Chapter 6

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"Excuse me?" He said with an attitude.

"I said kiss me. If you have nothing to hide them it should be relatively easy considering your behavior lately." I didn't hesitate one bit. I knew what I wanted. I just wanted the truth. Some, form of clarification, something to make me feel at ease.
"I've got nothing to hide." He said as he scoffed lightly and turned away. His face still expressionless.

"Prove it then." I need to be fierce.

He turned his head to face me. His expression cold, "Why do I have to prove myself exactly?"

"Because I'm asking you to." I can't back down now.
"And who are you to order me?" He crossed his arms close to his chest.
"The guy that you were just being apologetic towards a couple of seconds ago. And the guy that you seriously messed up these days." He just stared at me.

"You are in no position to demand things Jaeger." He was about to leave. I can't lose now.
"Please.." what am I even doing at this point. Although I hate to admit it, me pleading was the best -if not only- option. And it seemed to have worked as he stopped in his tracks.
He didn't talk.
"I.. I'm begging you. Just this once. If you feel anything positive towards me.. And if you do kiss me and end up truly not liking it... I'll never speak to you of this again."
That must've gotten him. I wished it did.

He looked at me, not fully turning my way. "Are you seriously begging me to kiss you right now?"
"Yes.." I tried to sound as confident as possible. Not much was achieved though.

He sighed, and fully faced me. He came closer to me and spoke, "If I hear of this, I'll slice your head off your shoulders."

He forcefully pulled me down to his height by the collar of my shirt. The strength of this tiny man was nothing to joke about. After staring at my eyes, almost glaring me, then to my lips, he placed his soft and thin lips against mine.

He didn't move, he just touched my lips. It wasn't passionate, it was so... tedious. This is not what I expected. I won't accept this as a kiss.

After a few seconds of this tediousness that he considered a kiss, I tilted my head to the side and kissed him back. Slowly moving from sucking his bottom lip to his top lip. He didn't really react. He only slightly, almost flinched at my sudden action. I continued like this for a few more seconds, he wouldn't kiss me back. It was so one-sided it hurt.

At this point, the kiss had a character of it's own. It was passionate, but one wouldn't call it necessarily hot. Filled with emotion, but at the same time as if it were blank. Yet I still got no reaction from Captain Levi. I can't take this anymore. I moved my awkwardly hanging arms and placed them on his hips. Pulling him closer. He stumbled as he didn't expect it, slightly pushing me backwards, my back hitting the wall. I helped him steady himself. Guess he didn't like that since he tried to pull away. I didn't let him. And instead I just kissed him more passionately.

The only thing I got in return this whole time was a few unnoticeable, with little to no effort, almost kisses on my lips.

I don't know for how long we've been kissing anymore. It must've been about half a minute. And I still didn't have much of a reaction. That's it!

Just as he started to finally get comfortable and kiss me back -even though it was the smallest action ever- I grazed my tongue on his bottom lip. He finally reacted. He tried to break away from the kiss, but that just gave my tongue access to his mouth.
I pushed my tongue inside and intertwinded with his. He was shocked -apparently-. He froze but yet somehow didn't push me away. At least right away.

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