Chapter 7

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I was pushed out of Captain's office, being surrounded by chaos as Hange had already notified everyone of the situation. I quickly went to my room to gear up properly and went back outside. It was so hectic with all my commrades and friends running up and down getting ready to sacrifice their everything for Historia and.. me.

It was hard for me to find my way through the halls as there were so many people squeezed to pass through. In the end I finally found the hallway leading to the entrance to the surface. Historia already waiting for me and Hange. I joined her and gave her a small nod as a greeting.

"Have you seen Hange-san?" She asked.
"I saw her earlier but I lost her, she should be here any moment." And right in queue, Hange popped up out of nowhere and joined us.

"Let me get a few things straight. Once we go out, you two must stay by my side the entire time. We need to be quiet and stealthy. I will be there by your side the entire time. But if anything happens to me, you move forward. Don't try to notify anyone. Just continue with the mission carefully. You two being safe is what matters most." She said with a stern voice. Although she comforted the both of us by saying that she'll be there the idea of something going wrong was still stressful.

"Yes ma'am!" We said in unison.
"Good." She gave us a nod and waited for orders to proceed with the mission.

Everyone, every sound that was previously pounding in my head, stopped. I moved myself around the corner to peek at the cafeteria through the open door. Everyone was standing in order in front of Captain.

"Unfortunately, we have to carry the mission earlier than intended." His voice expressed the same boredom as always.
"But that does not change a single thing." With that sentence his whole posture changed. Now he was stern and serious.

"You were all recruited because you were strong. Some of you are physically strong. And some of you mentally. But you are strong either way. And that is the reason you're here. Prove yourselves to those that doubt you. So forget all your weaknesses and dreams. And prove to humanity that you are strong. For humanity."

"YES SIR!" That was the loudest 'yes sir' I have ever heard. I was scared they might hear us from above. But it didn't matter now. We are all going outside. There were 4 teams of 5-6 people each. First, two teams went up. Then me, Historia and Hange. Then the other two.

Me and the blond girl were ordered to sit and hide quietly as we awaited for any sign of fight starting. It was probably a few minutes time of silence but it felt so long. Too long. It was terrifying not knowing what's gonna happen next.

"It's too quiet..." I whispered to the two girls that were next to me.

That's when it started.

A few of, what I'm assuming are Kenny's men, attacked the first squad. They bravely fought back. I expected nothing less of my friends. A few seconds later, our squad had taken down most of the enemies. That's when a second wave of men appeared. This time there were more. The second squad joined the fight. Right then, Captain Levi shot a gun in the air. That must've been our cue to leave.

"Let's go!" Hange ordered and we followed her.

We went through small, deserted alleys and it was pretty quiet. When we got to the main street, we pulled our hoods up. A few civilians walked past us, but since we looked I'm assuming scary they avoided us. We walked for a short few minutes when Hange pushed us.

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