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I watched you. your hair falling in your face.

You never bothered to fix it.
So the long black curtains never let the sun in. so it was always dark.

You looked like you wanted to be invisible.

Yet even with the correct posture know one has seen your face.

But I don't think you know me. but I think I know you.

Were neighbors you see. I've heard you cry and weep.

When you reach home it's silent but maybe around
6:32 I hear the yelling. and the broken glass.

That falls like the tears from your eyes. turning them red and puffy.

Then I watch you. as you open our window and look out. your small bag in hand. but you never jump. you just sing softly.

As for the wind carries your voice all around the world so they know.

It's a beautiful sound. but it's too broken to sing along to.

So when I walked home.

On the other side of the street. sneaking glances,

At your black jeans hoodie shoes and hair.


Now it's 6:37 I heard you sigh.

In relief but then the glass shattered as you sucked in your breath.

Only to prepare for a a war your too scared I
to fight.


It's 11:00 I heard the window open. I didn't want to look. for I was too scared today.

I suddenly felt a breeze. that send goose bumps up my bare arms.

I closed my eyes tighter. hoping it wasn't the screaming monsters you live with.

The window then closed with a small "click."

The cold then returned as ice  was pressed against my arm.

The cold turned into many.

It shook me. "pssst" "psst"

My eyes snapped open.

I turned.

It was her.

The long black curtain pulled

Her eyes. Were a gray. that had specks of every color you could name as she moved in the light they seemed to change. it was like standing I'm space looking at every thing from above and up farther into the stars..

"D-do ya-you ha-v-e ll-emonn-ade?" she stuttered quickly.

I stared at her. the girl I've watched over sense age 6.

I smiled and nodded. I sat up. my chest hit the coolness of the room. I took her small cold fingers. And I led her down the hall quietly. our hands nearly touching now.

My feet creaked and Made a sound padding on the wood floor.

She seemed like she was floating, like a cloud in the air.

I opened the fridge and pulled out the container of lemonade my little sister had made earlier. I took a plastic cup and poured her a cup.

"Here" I said.

My voice groggy from the lateness and sore from today.

She took it and greedily consumed it, then asking. "w'res the garbage?" I pulled out a drawer and she carefully set it in.

I turned and said I would be back. I went to the bathroom and splashed water on my face.

The girl who wore all black with glass tears that knowing knows her name.

The girl I find my self loving

More and more
Every day.

I opened the door.

And the window was open and she was gone.

I turned to put the lemon aid away.

On it a paper. I read,

I know you watch me.
I know your next door.
I know you watch over me. sliding me pencils or pens if I forgot one. Or telling the teacher I'm absent if you hear too much screaming the night before.

I know you care and for that thank you.

I'll see you tomorrow night.

I sighed and went up stairs. her window closed and mine as well. I climbed back in the warmth of my bed and fell asleep.


I will leave a note this story is not finished.

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