n i n e t e e n : t h i n g s l i k e f r i e n d s h i p

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NINETEEN:t h i n g s l i k e f r i e n d s h i p

Things hadn't quite gone back to the way they had been. It had been just over a week and Austin could still barely tolerate me.

Instead I had been spending a lot of time with Elliot lately. I didn't really get the opportunity to hang out with Ava since she had been spending every waking moment with Zane.

"I think their adorable," I told Elliot as we hung out in his spot as I refereed to it. We were at Theresa's and this had become his booth. Ava didn't come by in the morning now that Zane gave her a ride, but Elliot had made it a habit of his. It was actually really funny to see him in all black sitting with coffee and a muffin.

"Zane spends all of his time with her, and when he isn't spending time with her. He talks about her; her laugh, her eyes, her hair. It's sickening," Elliot said. We had taken up spending time here after school recently, Theresa was always pleased to see us.

"If you were given the opportunity I'm sure you would speak about Celia incessantly," I teased him.

"Lets not talk about what ifs," he said. Sometimes he almost needed to talk about her, to get his feelings off of his chest, and other's he just wanted to forget her existence.

"What do you want to talk about?" I asked. I didn't like walking on eggshells so I figured we might as well get straight to the point.

"You, you're over Finn," he stated. I hadn't even told him he just flat out guessed when we started hanging out. He now knew all about my quest to move on.

"I'm not sure," I said quietly. I wanted to be, but he was everywhere I went, all of the time.

"You are. You don't want to be, but you are," Elliot assured me. I rolled my eyes how could he know how I felt? I didn't even know how I felt!

"Why wouldn't I want to move on?" I asked him pointing out the obvious flaw in his logic.

"If you moved on you'd have to acknowledge your feelings for somebody else," Elliot stated taking a sip of his coffee.

"Who says I can't just like no one? It's possible you know," I said. "And how come we cannot talk about your romance life, but we can talk about mine," I asked.

"Because you already like someone else you just haven't realized it yet. Not to mention, there is no romance in my life, but there's a lot in yours you just don't see it," he said as if he were the expert on my life.

"I think if I liked someone I'd know it," I said in a sorry-to-break-it-to-you kinda way.

"Would you?" I would think he was joking except that he wasn't his voice was level and he was giving me the I-pity-you look.

"Humor me, who do I like?" I asked genuinely curious as to who he thought I liked.

"I can't tell you, you have to figure it out on your own," Elliot told me.

I pouted. "Please?" I asked. He shook his head.


The next morning I had made it my mission of sorts to figure out who it was that Elliot could have thought I liked more than Finn. Theresa had been back but she was on constant emotional roller coasters. "Kristy we need red velvet cupcakes," she said when I first walked innthat morning.

"Why are you making red velvet cupcakes? We did those yesterday? Finish them and then hop to it on some carrot cake," she demanded when she came back to check on me.

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