chapter 3

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"Wave your wands, around and up, not up and around," Professor McGonagall demonstrates from the front of the room, waving her own wand around. "Please just practice for now, we don't want -" 

A textbook jets across the classroom following a plethora of frightened yelps, violently turning from bird to book while in flight. It whizzes past student's faces before finally turning back into a textbook and slamming against the front of the room. It barely misses McGonagall's head, but she just sighs and retrieves it from the floor, muttering "Fourth Years..." and strolls to the back of the classroom to help the creator of the unfortunate ordeal. The rest of the class bursts into quiet laughter at the commotion. 

Holding a hand over my own mouth as I laugh, I turn to Cedric, who is seated next to me and is also grinning at what just happened. I can't believe he chose to sit next to me. "Some class, isn't it?" 

"Sure is, Katz," he agrees with a laugh, waving his own wand. I must have watched him a minute too long, taking in the fluid movements of his arms because he gives me a questioning glance. "What is it? Is it my beautiful hair?" 

I scoff, blushing and turning away. "It's not your hair, Cedric."

"What is it then?" 

"It's nothing." 

Why am I making it so obvious that I like him?

"So, Cedric," I say, dropping my own wand on my desk and deciding to put a pause on my wandwork, "about the offer you made the other day. Is it, uh, still on the table?" I pause and hope my voice doesn't tremble with the obvious nervousness I feel. 

"The offer?" He raises an eyebrow, then nods in understanding. "Oh, the homework help. Yeah, always. Let me guess: potions?" 

Damn right it's potions. I don't know how anyone could ever pass that wretched class, and it's only my first few days here. "You guessed right." 

"Snape tries his best, I suppose, but..." Cedric trails off and shakes his head. "That man does not know how to teach. you...?" 

I nod in agreement, but realize I have no idea what good meeting places are. "Is your common room okay? I'd, well, love to see the other Houses' common room styles." 

We work out the details a bit further, and then I try to focus on waving my wand and finishing the class again. 

I think I just got a study date with Cedric Diggory.

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