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Three months have passed since Maka defeated the Kishin. Death City has returned to normal, and the DWMA is up and running along with the Grim Reaper himself. Even the trio of meisters who bravely fought are back on track along with their weapons. The skies were blue, and the clouds rolled by the smiling sun.

"Hey, Maka!" Soul called out from the basketball court. Everyone was having fun bouncing around the orange ball like the old times, except for Kid who sat out so the teams could be even. "Pass it here!" Soul waved his arms in the air to catch Maka's attention.

"Go left!" Maka shouted back, but the two partners had planned to go the opposite way each time they said: right, left, up, or down. Soul jumped to the right, following Maka's orders, and threw off Black Star, who still couldn't figure out left from right.

"Tsubaki! Which way is left?" Black Star shouted, confused at Soul going the opposite way he thought was right.

"The hand you hold your rice bowl with, Black Star!" Tsubaki tried to explain, but it was to late and Maka had passed the ball to Soul who jumped up and scored a basket.

The pair exchanged high-fives, with their other teammate Patty, and she twirled around saying, "Point for us!"

"Geez, Patty. No need to gloat you know." Liz said to her sister and crossed her arms wishing she could score a point.

"What was that older sister?" Patty giggled.

"You never listen to me!" Liz yelled. "Why do I even bother..." She sighed.

"Yes I do! You said something about a pig right?" Patty spun around and around until she was dizzy.

"Uh-huh, sure..." Liz pouted and took her spot on the court.

The group continued on playing, going back and forth on the court until in began to get dark. They decided it was time to get back home, and started toward their homes.

"We'll have rematch tomorrow, that way, me and Maka can win again." Soul said to Black Star.

"Won't be much of a rematch if I crush you! Right Tsubaki?" Black Star said cockily, putting his hands behind his head.

"Right, Black Star." Tsubaki answered quietly.

"Nevermind what I want to do eh?" Kid said. "All I did was sit on the bench and referee for hours on end. Not sure if I want to do it again." Kid shook his head. "But whatever you guys say."

"Say, Kid?" Patty asked. "Where did Liz go?" The group looked around them, but Liz was no where to be seen.

"Huh. I could have sworn she was with us..." Maka said.

"She's just scared that the great Black Star could beat all of you in a basket ball game, six against one! Right Tsubaki?" Black Star laughed.

Tsubaki have a small nod as Soul and Maka stopped at their door. "See ya tomorrow." Soul said and yawned as he opened the door. Maka waved goodbye, and followed Soul inside.

"Bye-bye!" Patty laughed and the group continued down the hall.

"Hey, Tsubaki?" Black Star said. "How many days left till summer break?"

"Hm..." Tsubaki thought for a moment before Kid answered the question.

"Today is Thursday, so exactly eight days--including the weekend." Kid explained. "Ah, what a fine number eight is! Such perfect symmetry!"

"Alright! Eight days! What do you think of that Tsubaki?" Black Star asked.

"Sounds good to me, Black Star!" She answered and stopped at her and Black Star's door.

"Bye-bye!" Patty waved and laughed as she continued down the hall with Kid. "Kid, where is Liz?" She asked again.

"I don't know..." Kid answered. "Wait a minute!" He shouted and spun around. "That wall lamp is tilted slightly more to the left than the rest of the lamps!" He rushed over to the lamp and measured it with his measuring tape. "Nope, just my imagination!" He laughed and continued walking.

Kid and Patty stopped at their door, and hoped to find Liz inside. "Liz?" Patty called out as she walked through the door. She ran around the small house, looking everywhere, but couldn't find Liz.

"Aye, Patty." Kid called out. "Maybe she went out for a walk, she did look upset, and a walk is the perfect way to relieve stress!"

Patty starred at him blankly and then continued to call out for Liz. "Liz! Liz! Liz! Where are you?"

An hour passed and the two began to worry about where Liz might be. There was a knock on the door, and the pair excitedly ran to the door thinking it was Liz.

"Liz--" Patty stopped when she saw it was only Crona. "Huh?"

"Oh, uh, hi." Crona said. "Liz told me to give this to you." Crona handed Kid a perfectly sealed envelope.

"What's this?" Kid asked, and Crona shrugged as Patty took the envelope and tore it open.

"I guess I'll just go now..." Crona said awkwardly and shuffled away from the door. Ragnarok popped up behind Crona.

"Let's go see Maka! I'm hungry and she knows how to make food! Even if it's not very good food..." Ragnarok said and hit Crona on the head as they passed Maka and Soul's door. "No! What are you doing, stupid? Go back! Food is that way!"

Ragnarok continued to complain, and Kid took the note inside the envelope from Patty. It read:

Dear Kid and Patty,
Sorry for the sudden disappearance, I was in a hurry to meet up with someone. I won't be back until late tonight, so don't worry about me.
From, Liz

"What? This doesn't sound like Liz!" Kid said.

"Who is it then? Crona said It's from Liz." Patty said.

"I don't know, but whoever it is should really take the time to make their letters symmetrical..." Kid stared at the sloppy writing and threw it on the ground. "Damn it! Now the floor has no symmetry! A piece of crumpled paper here, but not over there!"

Patty giggled and took the paper to the trash can. "All gone." She said and dropped it in the bin.

"No! Patty! The symmetry! You have to make it perfect!" Kid stormed over to the trash can and began to rearrange the trash. "There." He said, satisfied with his work.

Patty slouched down onto the couch and flipped on the tv. "Kid!" She complained. "There's nothing good on!"

"Wait just a minute..." Kid put his hand to his chin. "I think that painting is hanging slightly to much to the right." He pulled out a tape measure and measured every angle possible. "Nope, just my imagination. Silly me."

"Kid!" Patty complained again.

"Wait, did I fold the tips of the toilet paper? I'll go have a look." Kid wandered off again. "Nope, just me again!"

Patty groaned. This was going to be a long night.

And... That's a rap! Okay, take 5 everyone.
And Kid, please... You know what? Nevermind.
Oh, Patty-*sigh* why do I even bother.
Cue Soul and Maka for the next scene!
For Shinigami's sake, RAGNAROK! STOP! BEATING! UP! CRONA!


Eh hem. Take 307, scene 1, author's note: ACTION!
Hey otakus! What's up my DWMA students? This is my first fanfic on wattpad, hope you are all liking it!
Tell me what you think, I wanna know!
And please please please click that little lonely star! For Black Star's sake? Thanks! Can I get a symmetrical comment too?<- if I do get a good one I'll put it somewhere in ch.1!
UPDATE: Jan. 1, 2016

Okay, just as a warning, I sorta veered off track with this fic, BUT DONT WORRY itll get back on track i promise (what i mean: i did a bunch of chapters in pov that was not soul and maka, and that was a mistake. but currently its back to soul and makas pov)

thanks! and plz dont stop reading!


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