Chapter One: Those Who Watch

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(F/N) = First Name (L/N) = Last Name

You walked into your apartment and immediately took off your backpack and walked to your room. As you passed through the apartment, you noticed that no one was home, which was good, as you were going to be making a lot of noise.

You opened your door and entered, before promptly closing the door and booting up your systems. Your lights turned on, revealing the droid you had been modifying for the last few weeks. All that was left to do was remove the central protective plate and modify it. You grabbed one of your tools and pried the central plate off, then it immediately cracked in half.  

"Damn." You whispered under your breath. You grabbed a welding-torch and began to seal the two pieces together. After completing that, you flipped the plate and placed a two-inch thick plate of steel. You used a laser and trimmed the steel to fit the armor plate. Afterwards, you grabbed a hammer and began to hammer the steel until it molded into the shape of the plate, where you then sealed the two separate parts together.

This whole process took you longer than expected, but you were finished just in time. You hear the door open and your mother call out, "I'm home!".

You walked out of your room to greet her with a hug. You two conversed a little bit while she settled down and you finally got to unpacking your backpack. 

"How was your day (Y/N)?"

"Decent. I'm pretty much finished with that droid I was working on. All I have to do is reroute the power cords to the new battery I installed a couple days ago."

"Hey, good job kiddo! That's great!" Your mother exclaimed with joy. Just as she finished expressing her joy, your father walked through the door. You said hello to him and your mother shared the news of the droid to him.

"Really? That's amazing!" Your father celebrated. Just as he said that, you got a strange feeling. Like someone else was present. You sat on your sofa in a daze-like state when there was a knock at the door. You jumped with a start and shot your head over to the door. Your dad opened it and it was your friend Torash.

"Hey Mr. (L/N), can (F/N) come for a walk for a bit?" Your friend asked. Your father looked over at you and smiled.

"Sure, just make sure you guys are back soon for mealtime." Your dad responded. You jumped up and made haste towards the door. You said goodbye to your father and mother and you two were on your way. 

"Hey (F/N), you okay? You look distracted." Your friend questioned.

"Yeah, I'm okay." You responded. You two went down the lift and proceeded into the busy city streets where you walked alongside other citizens of Coruscant. You two casually discussed your studies while making your way down the street. 

As you two walked down the street, you noticed something out of the corner of your eye. You looked down an alley and saw a robed figure observing you. After noticing that you were aware of it's presence, it casually turned and walked down the alley.

All of a sudden, you had the sense to look up, so you did, and saw another robed figure wearing a hood observing you, and it moved away calmly after you noticed it. You began to panic and wanted to try something. 

You leaned over to your friend and whispered, "Cut down this alley and we'll come out the other side." In response, Torash looked at you curiously, but nodded in agreement and you both turned right down the alley. As you two walked, you made it a point to consistently check behind you. The first few times you saw nothing, but then you saw the same robed and hooded figure slowly walk past the alley opening, observing you once again. 

"Pick it up." You whispered to your friend as you two began to walk faster until you made it out of the alley.

"I think we should get back. Mealtime is soon." You said as you began walking home. The entire way back your friend was questioning you, but you were too busy thinking about who or what was watching you.  You got back to your complex, said your quick goodbyes to your friend and took the lift back up to your floor.

You walked in the apartment and quickly went to the windows with the intent of scanning for your stalkers some more.

"Whatcha doing, kiddo?" Your dad asked curiously.

"I, uhm," You stuttered. "I saw some Republic Cruisers and wanted to see if I could get a closer look." You were surprised by your quick and logical reaction, but your dad bought it, so you started scanning. 

Your eyes immediately  locked on to the rooftop directly across the way from you. You noticed saw a figure standing right where your eyes locked to. Right after locking onto them, they began to exit the roof calmly. You began getting nervous, but realized that they meant no harm, and if they did, you wouldn't be standing there watching them.

Still, it was curious as to who could be following you, and why they were doing so...

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