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Chapter 187 The Man Behind This Incident 

At that moment, the other guy who had beenstanding there with his hands up in the air turnedaround and ran away. I pointed my gun at himbut I didn't open fire. I could kill him easily but Ididn't want to go to jail. So I looked back at theplace where the other two people were hiding.These two people also began retreating becausethey knew I wouldn't shoot them. They used thetrees as their shield and soon, they disappearedfrom my view.I didn't chase them. I went directly to the shortman who was trying to stand up, and kicked himback on the ground. 

"Who is Yake? Who is your boss and where areyou from?" I asked. 

That short man was lying on the ground,moaning. He said: "I don't know. Someone askedme to come and help, so I came."

I gave a cold laugh and said: "Do not test mypatience, or I will blow your brains out." 

He was the only one with a gun, and he waswalking in the middle of these five people, so hemust knew something.

But he only shook his head and said: "I reallydon't know anything. They gave me a hundredthousand baht, so I came to help."

"You think you are a tough guy, don't you?" Isaid. I used my knee to pin him down. Then Ipicked a stem with thorns growing on it, and Ithrust a thorn into his fingernail.

And he started screaming hysterically.Then I thrust the thorn deeper into his nail and hefinally gave in. 

"Stop it! I will tell you everything!"But I didn't stop. I kept moving the thorn in hisnail.

"I am Yake! We are from Chiang Rai. Our boss isMinghao Du!"

I froze when I heard this name. Minghao isMingqiang Du's brother. But we bore each otherno resentment, and why would he ask people tobreak my hands and legs.Does he know Zhengrong Gong? Did he takemoney from Zhengrong? I think that is highlylikely. 

I met Minghao once, and he knew I amMingqiang's friend. So obviously, he did this tome with some other intentions. Maybe he wantedto get rid of his brother's business partner, ormaybe he simply wanted to irritate his brother.The last time I met him, I noticed he was lookingat everyone with undisguised contempt, andarrogance was written all over his face. Soobviously he is a reckless hothead.

He didn't ask his people to kill me, and that wasbecause he could achieve his goals simply bybreaking my arms and legs. And he didn't do thisto me in Chiangmai, because he knew Sucah wasin that city and Sucha would take revenge onhim.

But he failed to realize that Sucha and Sangkesuwould never let the matter rest easily. Because if Igot hurt, Anzhi Tong would terminate hiscooperation with Sucha and Mingqiang, and thenSucah would surly take actions to punish him.And by then, Minghao would have no chance ofsurvival. 

Now I realized why did Mingqiang's father gavethe family business to him, not Minghao.I asked Yake some other questions, and hisanswers proved my conclusion was correct.

He said a young and rich Chinese man gaveMinghao a huge amount of money, and askedMinghao to break my hands and legs, and killBansha. He remembered the money the youngman gave Minghao was tens of millions of baht.So it was a big business.

 He also said Minghaoagreed to do this not only because of the money,but because of the fact that I am his brother'sfriend.He then mentioned something very important:Minghao asked him to send him a video afterfinishing the business, because Minghao's clientwouldn't leave Thailand unless he was assuredthat his demands were perfectly met. 

That was everything Yake knew. I removed thethorn from his finger after making sure he wasnot lying. Then I bound his hands and feet withhis belt and coat, so that he couldn't stand upwithin a short time.

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