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twenty | let it all out

HEARING DUMBLEDORE'S SPEECH ABOUT Cedric, Carina thought Dumbledore didn't do Cedric justice. Cedric was way more better than his speech. Cedric deserved everything in this world except for death. Cedric Diggory didn't deserve to die, he was supposed to live a happy long life. Cedric Diggory deserved the best, not less.

Carina Black didn't shed a tears and she didn't sobbed at night. She just sat there, stood there, eat there. She just simply there. She didn't know how to stop her heart bleed. She didn't know how to fill the void inside of her heart. She didn't know how to cure this ached she felt in her body. She didn't know how to stop every memories with Cedric played inside of her brain. She didn't know anything.

"Princess? Dumbledore's looking for you in his office. He said he likes sherbet lemon." Theo's voice rang to her ears.

She stared at nothingness, just like Cedric did, and without uttering a single word, she went to Dumbledore's office. After saying the password, she entered his office finding her headmaster sat with a sympathetic smile on his face.

"Miss Black, please, have a sit."

Carina tried, she really tried to smile in a polite manner but her lips betrayed her. So she just nodded and sat infront of her. Dumbledore opened his mouth to give her his condolences when she interupted, "With all due respect sir, I don't want to talk about it."

Dumbledore nodded in agreement as he questioned the real reason he called Carina to his office, "Miss Black, you do know that your mother maiden name, right?"

"Róson." She replied shortly.

"Yes, but most people in her year knew her as Marianna Carson, not Marianna Róson." He informed her.

Carina frowned, confused with the new information. Dumbledore, seeing her confused state, continued to explain, "You see, Miss Black. The Róson was a very powerful family from Spain. Their bloodline was a fill with magic and not the kind of magic like here."

"Like dark magic, sir?"

Dumbledore shook his head, deniying it, and leaned forward, "The kind of magic that didn't need wand and different of spells. You see, Miss Black, The Róson was not a family, they had a coven name 'Mas Fuerte'. They drew magic from their ancestor too and that what makes them very powerful family."

"So my mother was a different kind of witch?"

"Yes, different yet powerful." Dumbledore informed. "Do you know, Miss Black, that the maze that was used for the third task was on fire?"

Carina nodded and Dumbledore continued, "It's from your magic. At that moment, you lost control and that kind of witch needed a traumatic event to trigger your power. When you saw the third task, you triggered your power and it's need to be control."

Carina bit her cheek, accepting the new information. "That's why it's easy for me to do wandless magic, isn't it? Because I don't actualky needed one."

"Yes, correct. But wand helped your magic from yourself to be controlled." He informed her and Dumbledore took an old, rusty book from his drawer and gave it to the slytherin, "It calls grimoire. Marianna, your mother, gave it to me so when you triggered your power, you can learn to control it."

Carina slowly touched the book and she felt a familiar feeling in her heart. "It's from my ancestor." She stated.

"Yes, and you can learn to do many spells with it. Unique one that Hogwarts doesn't teach you."

"Why did my grandmother doesn't know about this?"

Dumbledore formed a small smile as he spoke, "Your father and mother were in different sides back then. One thing you need to know Miss Black that you can do great things with your new power, your new magic. It's up to you wether you wanted to use for goodness or evil."

Carina looked stunned at the moment, absorbing each of informations. She knew his father was a deatheater but she just found out that her mother was on the opposite place.

She didn't like the thoughts of killing people but she thought only pureblood should've known magic. Cedric said it's wrong, everyone deserve a chance. Of couse, her response was scoffing then the next hous, he gave her a speech about muggle born and half blood deserved to learn magic. She smiled at the memories then she remembered Cedric was gone. Her heart ached, reminding her that Cedric Diggory left her.

Shoving the grimoire inside of her bag, she said thank you to Dumbledore and exitting his office. Carina Black didn't really know what to think. One thing that she knew, she wanted to be alone. That's why she found herself in an empty compartment alone.

Daphne and Theo already tried to talk to her but she just wanted to be alone. Her heart ached so bad and bleed hardly but she didn't know how to remove this. She never felt like this and she didn't like it.

Carina leaned against the window, watching the view from her compartment. She heard the compartment's door opened and she spoke, not looking at the intruder, "I'm fine Theo, Daphne. I just wanted to be alone right now." She whispered.

Then Carina felt warm on her left, indicating someone sat next to her. She sighed and turned around, only to find her cousin sat with a small smile on his face.


"Hey," she whispered back, "What are you doing, Draco?"

He smiled genuinely and spoke, "Accompanying you." Without another word, he pulled her into a side hug and Carina rested her head on his shoulder.

"Why does it hurt so bad, Draco? I don't-- I feel like dying and I just w-wanted to d-die." She spoke with a hoarse voice.

Draco could felt his heart break hearing her hoarse voice. The Carina he knew was strong and this Carina was heartbroken and fragile. He really wished he could took away her pain.

"W-why does it hurt.." She trailed off.

Draco closed his eyes and spoke sofly while rubbing her back, "Just let it all out, Carina. Just let it all out."

Carina shook her head as she breathed out, "It means you are weak."

Draco cupper her cheek and spokr firmly, "It means you're strong that until now, you've survived. Crying doesn't make you weak, Carina. Crying proving that you've struggled for Merlins know when and it's time for you to let it go."

Her lips trembled hearing Draco's word

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Her lips trembled hearing Draco's word. Her eyes glistening with tears as she opened her mouth to talk but only a chocked came out. "He's gone. He's gone. He left me, Draco. He-- Cedric he-- Gone! He's gone, I can't see him-- I-- Cedric he's--" She suttered as tears staining her cheeks just like waterfall.

Draco tightened her hug and soothing her as Carina sobbed hard in Draco's chest. She knew, she knew he's gone for good. She cannot see him anymore. She cannot hear his calming voice anymore. She cannot feel his warm touch anymore. She cannot see his contagious smile and laugh. She cannot go to their first date with him, and knowing all that, she broke.

Carina Black didn't know what to do so she did what Draco told her, she let it all out. She cried hard, accepting the fact that Cedric left her and he died. Draco Malfoy couldn't help but shed a few tears as he heard his strong cousin broke down in his arms. It was the most heartbreaking cried he ever heard.

Carina Black was lost and she didn't know her way back home.

author's note! okay, double update hehe. thankyou for 3,4k readers<3 i'm actually crying bcs i cannot believe it. thankyou for every reads, every comments, every votes!! loveyou and i'll probably see u on december, or maybe i'll update sooner. bye!

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