twenty two

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twenty two | home sweet home

CARINA BLACK STOOD IN FRONT of her house. 12, Grimmauld Place. She thought the house will be empty as usual, just her, Kreacher, and Walburga's potrait. She let out a tired sighed, and with a stoic expression, she entered the house.

The door creaked open while she was welcomed by the dirty and full of dust hallway. Carina Black walked slowly, absorbing every potrait in the hall and each details. She remembered the day where Walbuga forced her to recognize and memorize every member of The Blacks. It was an awful memories but at least she knew her so called family.

She stopped walking in front of a particular potrait, her father was standing there, next to her grandmothee. Carina's lips formed a sad small, I wish you were here with me, father.

She was going to call Kreacher when she heard voices from the room next to kitchen. That room usually used by Walburga when they had a guest. She reached her pocket to find her wand but then she remembered that she was underage. Using magic outside school was against the law.

Thankfully, she already practice The Róson's magic and The Ministry won't know it. With a deep breath and a intimidating facade, she entered the room only to find 5 people pointing their wand to her.

Carina recognize one of them, Alastor Moody and probably the real one. She scoffed and crossed her arms. "What are you doing in my house?" She questioned sternly.

Alastor Moody stated angrily, "How can you find this place?! Who are you!?"

Carina frowned, clearly hated this man. She raised an eyebrow, challenging him, "This is my house and my rules. Now put you wand down."

Moody started to walk foward, trying to intimidate the slytherin. "Yeah, I don't think so kid. I'm in charge here." He said mockingly.

Carina glared at him and as she raised her right hand, their wands flew from their hand to Carina's right hand. And after she waved her left hand, every cultery and quill from that room flew, pointing to every single one of them in that room.

"So who's in charge again?" Carina asked sarcastically.

The short haired girl opened her mouth to talk but was beated by someone from the door, "What in Godric name is going on?"

Carina turned around, finding her uncle with a furrowed eyebrows. Sirius' eyes met Carina's and with a blink of an eye, Sirius pulled Carina in a fatherly hug. She just stood there, not knowing what to do as she tapped his back a few times.

They pulled away from the hug and Sirius cupped her cheek, and inspecting her from any injuries. "What are you doing here, Carina?"

"Well, in case you hadn't notice, Sirius, this is my house."

Sirius looked away from her and stared at the other people in that room. He coughed awkwardly and asked the youngest girl, "Carina, can you put down the cultury and quills? They felt threatened by you already."

She stood still for a few seconds than she focused to drop the cultury and quills. "You're welcome." She said nonchantaly.

The red haired short woman let out a gasp, "You're Carina Black!" Without uttering another word, she pulled Carina in a big hug, "Oh I'm sorry for your lost, dear. If you need someone to talk with I'll be right here alright."

Carina's eyebrows furrowed and she didn't like any pity looks from anyone. She pulled away from the hug and with a thin lips line, she questioned the red haired woman, "Sorry, do I know you?"

"I'm Molly, dear. Molly Weasley. My son, Ron, is in the same year as you," She answered with a wide smile.

Carina gave Molly a curt nod and turned to face her uncle again, "What are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be on the run?"

"Well, I need a place to gathered a few of my friends.." He trailed off, afraid of his niece reaction.

Carina scoffed loudly, "And you think my home is the place where you can gathered?" She quoted him in annoyance.

Everyone in the room can felt the tenstion rising as Sirius cleared his throat. "Well, this is my house too--" He reasoned but soon cut off by Carina.

"No! This is not your house! You lost the privileged to call this your house since you left my father alone to take the beating of grandmother!" Carina yelled angrily.

Sirius opened his mouth but nothing came out. Everyone shifted uncomfortably and Carina can hear people started to walk downstair.

"Yeah you think I don't know how you left my father alone, Sirius?! That he took the beating for your fault? ¡Qué egoísta de tu parte! (how selfish of you!)" Carina stated while glaring at his uncle. Her jaw clenched as she breathed heavily.

Sirius's hand touched Carina's shoulder slowly and spoke, "Carina.. calm down.."

Carina shrugged his hand off, "No, I don't want to bloody calm down! ¡No puedes simplemente caminar a esta casa con tus 'amigos' y tienes la audacia de llamar a esta 'tu' casa! (you can't just walk to this house with your 'friends' and you have the audacity to call this 'your' house!). Escúchame, Sirius. In case you forgot, you were disowned. You're no longer a Black." She hissed angrily and pointing a finger in Sirius' direction.

Sirius' widened his eyes, shocked hearing his niece outburst. Remus put his hand on Sirius' shoulder in comforting manner. By now, every single eyes in that house were on Sirius and Carina. But Carina couldn't care less.

"Carina, por favor. Necesitas calmarte, hija. (Carina, please. You need to calm down, my daughter)." Sirius spoke softly. Sirius thought 'hija' meant darling, or sweetheart. But oh how he wished he learnt spanish with Anna more serious.

No soy tu hija! ¡Mi padre es Regulus Black! (I'm not your daughter! My father is Regulus Black!) Not you!" She spoke angrily while gritting her teeth.

Moody interrupted the conversation, "Sirius, she can't be here. It's not safe," He yelled whispered but Carina heard it.

"¿Qué? ¿Tienes miedo de que le cuente a voldemort and death eaters sobre tu pequeña 'reunión' aquí, eh?(What? Are you afraid that I'll tell voldemort and death eaters about your little 'gathering' here?)" Carina threatened him. She's no fool. She knew her mother was in the order of the phoenix.

Most of them shreaked in fear, hearing Carina said 'Voldemort' name boldly as Moody pointed his wand but Remus blocked Carina from his view.

"I won't tell a soul about this meeting. Tienes mi palabra." With that, Carina left the room, accidently bumping Ron in the way.

Everyone was silent for a moment before Fred spoke,

"She's hot when she went mad,"

"And when she spoke in Spanish." George added jokingly.

"Really, boys?"

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