thirty six

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thirty six | at last

CARINA BLACK WAS HELPING LUNA LOVEGOOD in finding her stuff. "This is unbelievable, Luna! How can someone be so mean?" Carina scowled while crossing her arms.

"It's alright, Carina. But it's our last day, I really need them back," Luna answered dreamily. Carina didn't speak again because she was too enganged at a certain green eyed boy. She cannot denied it again right now, she surely fancied Harry. And their hugged a few days ago just confirming it.


Blinking a few times to snap from her thought, Carina didn't saw Luna anymore. Instead, she saw the boy of her thought. "O-oh, hi," She greeted awkwardly.

Harry seemed so calmed yet his heart race like a marathon. He was sure Carina could hear his crazy heartbeat. The both of them had so much to say but no words can describe it perfectly. "I want to talk to you," Harry blurted out, "If you don't mind of course!" He quickly added.

Carina chuckled lightly hearing his rambling, netherless, she replied as they walked to the great hall side by side, "What is it, Harry?"

"I know we're in the middle of the war and I don't want to have any regrets," Harry said in one breath seriously.

"Harry, I-" Carina was about to confess but Harry cut her off by shaking his head, and grabbed her arm softly. Carina's mind went fuzz as tidal wave of serotonin were produced from her brain. Carina blushed deeply because her cheeks' shade were deep red.

Harry was no different from Carina. He didn't know where did he get the courage to think he'll be okay by touching her hands but somehow, he did. And his pale cheek were as red as his gryffindor's tie.

Harry took a deep breath and gazed at Carina's dark brown eyes lovingly, "Since I've met you, I always think to myself that universe didn't really write our name to be together. But screw with it, we'll write our fate together in the universe."

Carina chukled hearing his confession before Harry continued, "I knew you're going to be a huge part of my life since I caught you on Hogsmeade station. I know you're a slytherin, I'm a gryffindor. You're a pureblood of 28 sacreds and I'm just a halfblood but for me-- it doesn't matter anymore."

"It doesn't matter, Harry. I'm happy with you, that's the important part," Carina said softly.

Harry took her hands in his as he rubbed her knuckles softly while saying firmly, "I'm the happiest with you and I want you more than I have any right to. I know we shouldn't, you know we shouldn't. But we do and I don't give a damn about anything right now, I just want you, only you. Carina, be mine?"

Harry's heart beat in anticipation. He surely didn't really know what's Carina felt towards him. Their last encounter didn't go nice either but he remembered what Sirius said. Her mother rejected her father for years, surely Harry can accepted the fact Carina will reject him.

Harry already prepared for a rejection but he did not prepared for Carina's answer.

Carina breathed out as she titled her head slightly with a smile, "I'm yours, Harry."

Harry's eyes widened in joy while his mouth gapping like a goldfish, didn't understand at first. After realizing that Carina Black was Harry Potter's girlfriend, he hurriedly snaked his arms around her one more time and kissed her temple with a chaste, quick kiss.

The former and latter were feeling content and euphoric. Finally, after 3 years of a long crush, they can admitted and accepted the fact they fancied each other. Sirius' death brought them to the fact that we didn't know when people we loved will leave us. Don't make things you'll regret, do it now because you still have that chances to make it come true, to make a diffrences. And both of them took that chances so they won't have any regret in the future.

Since that moment, Harry Potter was Carina Black's boyfriend,

Carina Black was Harry Potter's girlfriend,

And they were the happiest they've ever been.

author's note! hii, we reach the end of act iii;ootp which means next act is hbp. AND FINALLY HARRY AND CARINA ARE TOGETHER😌😭 i feel like it's the right time for them to be together like officialy. i really will appreciate if you guys give me a feedback or sumthing like is their relationship too fast? or is the chemistry between them enough or you feel like the chemistry isn't strong enough? please do give me a feedback so i can learn to be better in the future, thankyou<3

and i wanted to say a massive thankyou to each one of you bcs you gave me lots of motivation to continue writing this book and ur comments really made my day. i'm very nervous writing hbp but excited at the same time bcs tHE SHIP HAS SAILED😭😭❤ so thankyou vvv much for the support and i hope u enjoy OOTP and you'll enjoy the HBP and DH aswell. thankyou verymuch, i love u!!

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