Chapter 3

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The discussions between Shelby and Prime Minister Sladek were not progressing as the Starfleet Admiral would have liked. She and her government had been certain that Seven of Nine was hiding on Fenris, but so far, the Prime Minister had not indicated one way or another if that were the case. In fact, he had said nothing on the subject.

Instead, he had objected to the very presence of Shelby's overtures.

They were holding a private, one-on-one session today.

"I must say, Prime Minister", Shelby observed, as they sipped at a local wine, "that I find your silence on this matter puzzling. We have offered no threat to Fenris. We simply want to ascertain the location of Seven of Nine."

"No threat, Admiral?" He smiled at Shelby, which didn't do much to mask his anger at the situation. "You have brought Intrepid Class ships with you. You have two Galaxy and two Sovereign Class ships that are two days from Fenris if needed, and behind that, three troop transports another two days behind them. Perhaps you do not offer threats, but what we see is a massive force aimed at our world."

Shelby had not revealed to him the strength of her fleet, nor had the Federation consulate on the planet. Fenris' reach certainly didn't go as far as Earth. Shelby's conclusion that the Prime Minister was getting information from the outside-and it had to be from within the ranks of The Federation.

"We are simply looking at all options, Prime Minister. I note that your ships are in the area to meet ours, and you have a formidable array yourself."

"You would have us not move to defend our planet, Admiral?" He threw the question right back in her face. "All our ships are within Fenris space. You are the aggressor here, not the other way around."

"Since you know of why we are here, Prime Minister, why don't you simply indicate to us if Seven of Nine is under your protection? That's all we wish to know?"

Sladek didn't smile this time. "And if I indicate to you she is not here, will you believe me? Or will you offer threats at that time? I assure you, Admiral Shelby, we are prepared to defend ourselves."

"I will believe you, Prime Minister. I will relay whatever you tell me to my government, which is my duty, as you know. I will have to receive further instructions from my government after that."

Sladek read between the lines, and it filled him with a sense of dread. "So, if I tell you Seven is not here, and you believe me, you will not be leaving the vicinity of Fenris, Admiral?" He gave a humorless laugh. "I find that to be odd, indeed."

Shelby pressed him a bit. "Prime Minister, all I ask is for you to answer a simple question: is Seven of Nine currently under your protection on Fenris?"

The Prime Minister knew he couldn't stall forever. He was privy to what was going on with his allies on Earth, and with the plans Seven and her former Voyager ship mates were carrying out. What was going on could have consequences far beyond Fenris, and though he had to take care of his own back yard, he understood what would happen if Shelby's Boss got what she wanted. He was playing for a little time.

"Very well, Admiral Shelby." He took a quick sip of his wine. "No, Seven of Nine is currently not on our planet, or under our protection. Where she is, I have no idea. If she were here, however, I would not surrender her to you."

"You would harbor a terrorist, Prime Minister?" Shelby continued to press the issue.

The Prime Minister shook his head. "There's an old Earth saying, I believe: one man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter. I know what happened to Seven's son, Icheb. I know that XB's were being butchered by Cardassians, and sold as slaves by the Ferengi. Many of us see Seven not as a terrorist, but as a heroine, working to liberate former drones, who did nothing but get assimilated against their will."

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