Chapter 9

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It had taken a few days longer than anticipated, but Lieutenant Pamela Wheeler woke up five days after being injected with a strain of the Lurian Flu, and felt like death warmed over. Even as miserable as she felt, part of her had to smile. The holographic doctor knew what he was talking about, that much was certain.

She called into her Duty Manager at Headquarters, informed her that she was sick as hell, and was going over to Starfleet Medical for a checkup.

She then contacted Jellico, who would arrange for Doctor Ogawa to see her, along with reprogramming the computer to insert their holographic doctor back into the system, and disable his duplicate for the time being.

She arrived at 1400, and asked to see Dr. Ogawa. That wasn't an unusual thing. There were a litany of doctors within Starfleet Medical, and see their physician of choice. Ogawa was ready for her when she arrived.

Ogawa did do an exam of the Lieutenant, confirming that she did have the Lurian Flu, and prescribing the vaccine for her, which she injected immediately. Ogawa then followed the instructions to inject their EMH back into the system, and burying the other one for a while.

"Ah, Doctor Ogawa", The Doctor said with a smile. "It's wonderful to see you again." He looked over to Wheeler. "I assume you've examined our patient?"

Ogawa nodded. "I have, Doctor, and you gave her a nasty little bug, didn't you?"

Despite what they were doing, Wheeler snickered. "Good job, Doc."

He just rolled his eyes. "How about our other patients?"

"The other two have called in-it seemed to take a little longer to become symptomatic, but that can happen. I'll be seeing them within the next few hours."

Ogawa turned to Wheeler. "Lieutenant, you should start to feel better tomorrow, but I'm giving you an order to stay away from work for three more days. I will transmit the information to your superior. All of this will be quite legit."

"Thank you, Dr. Ogawa", she said, in a heavy voice. "I do feel like shit, pardon my language, so if it's OK, I'll head home."

Ogawa nodded. "Go directly home, no stopping, understood."

"Aye, Captain." She turned to Voyager's former EMH. "I'd like to say thank you to you, Doc, but this thing packs a wallop." She smiled to let him know that she had known what she had been getting into. "I hope I meet you again when I'm feeling better."

The hologram looked sympathetically. "Do get better fast, Lieutenant. I'm sworn to do no harm, and this rubs up against my ethical programming."

"I get it, Doc", she said with a nod. "Don't let it, if you can. I volunteered, remember?"

She turned and left, definitely dragging as she closed the door behind her.

"One down", Ogawa said, "two to go."

Within the next few hours, Ogawa had examined all three people, reporting that she had summoned the EMH for a consultation, and he confirmed her diagnosis of the patients. Within a few more hours, other doctors were sharing information on other patients who had contracted the Lurian Flu.

Over the next twenty-four hours, Headquarters started contact tracing, and traced the day when everyone was in the building together. Shortly after that, they put out an Epidemic alert, advising anyone who had been in Federation Headquarters on that date, report to Starfleet Medical for an exam.

"Oh for Christ's sake", Necheyav lamented in exasperation. "As if we don't have enough on our hands? Now we have a Lurian Flu Epidemic?"

"That is the information that Starfleet Medical has sent to us, Admiral." Captain T'revva had given the report to her Boss, who had read it with a frown. "We are instructed to follow Epidemic Protocols."

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