Chapter 4

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Two Days Later

Admiral Necheyav informed her new Chief-of-Staff, Captain T'revva, that there would be a classified meeting about Operation Lancet to be held at 1600 that afternoon. T'revva had been reading up on the details of the operation, including items not known to her until she was moved up to be Necheyav's Chief. Had this been a straight-forward mission, she would find all of this fascinating-and in fact she did find it fascinating-but she had a job to carry out, that was vital to the future of The Federation.

Necheyav had not notified her who would be attending, but would meet all the players when the meeting took place.

T'revva entered the conference room ten minutes early, to set things up as Necheyav had instructed, with seating for six people, two pitchers of water at opposite ends of the table, and a a PADD on the table in front of each seat. The rest she would learn in a few minutes.

T'revva wasn't able to do much in the way of documenting the meeting, but she did have one ace up her sleeve-almost literally. It was a device that had been developed on Vulcan, but which she had never tested. It was a listening device. Actually, it was a microphone, that would send a discreet subspace message to a recorder that was at her dwelling. There was nothing that could be seen, so it seemed a good time to try it.

Especially if one certain individual showed up.

Precisely on time, Admiral Necheyav entered with four other people. She did not know any of them, even the one that was a Vulcan. She hoped introductions would be forthcoming. Of the others, only one was not wearing a Starfleet uniform.

After pouring a glass of water for each attendee, Admiral Necheyav opened the meeting.

"Good afternoon, everyone. I thank you for coming on relatively short notice. I called this meeting, as I had another conversation with Admiral Shelby this morning, and I wanted to get your views on the latest, before we send our reply to the Prime Minister of Fenris."

Everyone was finished getting comfortable, so the C-in-C continued. "Before we start, I know you all heard about Captain Quinones. He's still in a coma, in serious, but stable condition. It will be a while before he comes back. As you can guess, I have had to appoint a new Chief-of-Staff. I'd like you all to meet Captain T'revva. She has previous works as a Chief-of-Staff, and I must admit, she's been impressive in the short time she's been in the position.

"Captain, I'd like you to introduce you to my working group for Lancet." T'revva was seated to the right of Necheyav, and she began introductions to her left, moving clockwise. "To my immediate left is Admiral Freya Weinrich; Admiral Selvur, Admiral Richard Adams; and, finally, to your right, is my special adviser, Mr. Sloan."

"Admirals, Mr. Sloan", she said in a dignified, professional voice, nodding her head solemnly, it is an honor to meet all of you."

"I have heard of your work, Captain T'revva", her fellow Vulcan, Admiral Selvur said evenly. "You have earned an outstanding record of service. It is agreeable to meet you."

"Peace and long life to you, Admiral Selvur. The honor is entirely mine."

Underneath her stoic demeanor, she knew that she had entered a seminal moment of her mission, and of the mission she was a part of on a wider scale.

Sloan was real.

Onboard Voyager

Eight hours after the meeting on Earth had concluded, Admiral Shelby received her marching orders from Admiral Necheyav. It wasn't what she truly wanted, but was what she had expected.

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