Platonic gf

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[7:49 am]

[{o wow, sports}]

soldja boi: can someone pls come kill me? Thanks

boutta nae nae: wat brought that on?

soldja boi: flowers tests embarrassed myself

diana but make it gayer: get over here boscha ill kill you

soldja boi: ur a real one blight

soldja boi: skara can go fuk herself tho

boutta nae nae: love ya too bosch

boutta nae nae: can u explain wat happened tho?

boutta nae nae: like im so confused

soldja boi: ameRIGA EXBLAIN


boutta nae nae: i hate u all so much rn

soldja boi: bold words coming from someone whos user is 'boutta n a e n a e'

boutta nae nae: yesh tis my calling

diana but make it gayer: but seriously boscha what happened?

soldja boi: dont wanna talk about it

WAP: she asked willow to be her gf

soldja boi: bINCH

WAPx2: then when willow said wat she responded with 'wat?'

WAPx2: nd willow was like 'u just asked to be my gf?'

WAP: so then this genius

WAPx2: this absolute motherfuking smart boi

WAP: said

WAPx2: 'o i meant platonically'

boutta nae nae: ...

boutta nae nae: ur entering solid amity territory bosch i hope ur aware of that

soldja boi: bdjshgkayHUIRFJLS

diana but make it gayer: i take offense

WAPx2: good

boutta nae nae: okay but like

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