YOU for ME #Five

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Tanu: What do you think, they are finally together?

Shanu: Come on Tanu! Why are you so obsessed with them? Let them be, the way they want to. Why do you have to poke your nose in their matter all the time?

Tanu: Because I care for them. They deserve the best in their lives. Misti is away from her home, so far away. You know it very well why she agreed to take up this job. Don't you? It's because of that ass of that guy. If it was not for that bastard, she would be not in this state today. Don't you see how she is desperate for love? She needs it. She needs love, attention, pampering, happiness, everything good on this planet. We are the only friends who exist in her life. We should really be with her no matter what and help her find herself, her happiness, again.

Shanu: Ok. I understand. And I totally agree with you. Misti really deserves the best. But why Rani? Why are you behind her? Do you know something about her that I don't.

Tanu (softly): Actually, I do.

Shanu: What the hell? And you didn't mention once to me. How did you manage to do that?

Tanu: I am very sorry Shanu, but I had to. Because I promised Rani that this would be a secret between us.

Shanu: But I am your best friend Tanu. What else are you hiding from me?

Tanu: Nothing else. Just this. I swear.

Shanu: I don't trust you anymore.

Tanu: Please Shanu. Trust me. I am not hiding anything else from you. Just this. I swear on myself.

Shnau: Ok drama queen. Tell me now.

Tanu: Ok. So the story is that Rani's story is also a bit similar to Misti's.

Shanu: Ohkay. How?

Tanu: So, as Rani told us at the very beginning that she is not lucky as us to have long time friendships due to her mom's transferable job; that's partially true. There's a deeper meaning to that.

Shanu: Dude! Stop being so dramatic, and tell me what's the story.

Tanu (pulling Shanu's cheeks): Ok my love. So, Rani was in college for 4 years, and there she was friendly with many people; everyone loved her a lot. But there was a special friend of hers.

Shanu: Rani had a boyfriend. And she didn't say about it to any of us.

Tanu: Naaaaaa..... Not boyfriend. Girl friend.

Shanu: Whaaaattt???? Girlfriend?

Tanu: No no. Not girlfriend, GIRL FRIEND. I mean Best Friend.

Shanu: Ohhhhhhh! I thought....

Tanu: You naughty girl.

Shanu: Shut up! You said it in a different way.

Tanu: No I didn't. You thought in a different. Anyway, not everyone is us.

Shanu: What? Shut up T. I've told you a thousand times now.

Tanu: Ok. Let's not fight now. There's an interesting story waiting for you.

Shanu: Yeah, ok. Tell me.

Tanu: So yeah. Rani had a best friend, I forgot what her name was. I think something Shreya or Sneha, something like that. They were very close and shared everything with each other. Everyone in college used to look up to their friendship. Everything good basically, but then Sneha found a boyfriend. And she started giving less time to Rani; she managed to balance her time between her best friend and boyfriend. And Rani also understood it, she never complained. But somehow things became fading away. And this boyfriend of hers also started talking to Rani; because of course Rani was her best friend and he wanted to know about his girlfriend. They started teaming up for giving surprises to Sneha, small small things and cute gifts; but Rani always asked him not to mention Rani's name to Sneha. And the boyfriend kept the trust. After some months, Sneha started doubting Rani and questioning weirdly because she and her boyfriend had a huge fight. And yeah one more thing, the boyfriend used to call Rani up to cry and talk whenever they had a fight. And Rani used to console him. But this was also kept hidden from Sneha, as Rani didn't want her to think that her best friend is going away from her or something like that. But when this huge fight happened, Rani was devastated to see Sneha in such a bad state and she could see that Sneha was misunderstanding him and all that. Feeling helpless, Rani poured her heart out with all the secrets that she has been keeping from her for such a long time. Rani tried to make Sneha understand why she did what she did. At that time Sneha said that she understood and trusted Rani. But Sneha lied, because only a couple of months after that outburst, when their semester was over, Sneha just dropped a message to Rani saying she doesn't want to keep any contact with her, and did not give a reason either. Rani tried a lot of times to contact her just to know what the actual problem was, but she never got her answer. So, yeah, that's the story of Rani.

Shanu: Wooohh! That's a lot to learn and digest! Ohkay, now I understand why Rani keeps staying away from new people and friendship and all those, because she knows she'll get attached emotionally and that's when she is reminded of what she experienced.

Tanu: Yup! Exactly!

Shanu: Ok. But still, I am not clear with one thing.

Tanu: And, what's that?

Shanu: Why do you want Misti and Rani to hook up? I mean, like a couple.

Tanu (laughing out loud): Sooooooo, you see Shanu, that was not my initial plan.

Shanu: Soo, you did have a plan?

Tanu (laughing): YES! Of course! I always have a plan!

Shanu: What was your plan?

Tanu: So, initially I wanted Misti and Rani to become friends, really good friends, because they needed it. They deserved the love and friendship and trust and everything good. Because both of them lost these. And I can't be best friends with everyone and of course I couldn't afford to share you with others. So I tried fixing them up.

Shanu: So, what changed?

Tanu: Don't you see a spark whenever they are in front of each other? There is something. I don't know what. But I get that vibe.

Shanu: Ohh God Tanu! Not again.

Tanu: No no Shanu, trust me. I am not joking or mocking. Seriously. I have seen it in their eyes and body language. They feel weirdly comfortable with each other. They don't show it because they still don't know it. They'll discover it soon, I am sure. They understand each other and somehow knows what the other person wants. They are very compatible and they forget the bad things in their lives when they are together. And they will surely make a cute couple. Don't you think?

Shanu: I honestly don't know Tanu. I didn't notice so much. But I am not sure how they take your words or teasing them. I just don't want you to get into any trouble with them, because they are really sweet people, and that will be really hard to lose another friend.

Tanu: I am just trying to be a sweet little cupid, that's all.

Shanu: I hope, you never cross the line unknowingly.

Tanu: I won't. I promise.

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