Chapter Eighteen

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Disclaimer- Harry Potter belongs to Jk. Rowling, not me.



Months passed by and Harry was still training in the chamber of secrets. He met the snake and told him he was the one who set him free. The snake just slithered away and left Harry alone in the chamber that was it's prison too long. Harry had proficient wandless magic but he had to know how to use his wand just in case something happened. Since, they couldn't teach him the muggle way of defending himself in Azkaban. He taught himself basic self defence moving to martial arts aided by the books found in the chamber's next rooms. 

His body now mirrored that of a properly fed and nurtured  twelve year old. His boney structure was now replaced by a nice lining of muscle and he knew if he kept his up he would have a very strong build. The number of attacks escalated but Ginny had no idea she was the one who was responsible. He knew this because she came into the great hall dazed and looking like she was in immense pain. 

It was almost Christmas as he boarded the train to go to the Potter mansion for the break. As soon as he stepped off the carriages that took them to the Hogsmede, he was bombarded by a hoarde of reporters waiting to know how his term at Hogwarts was. Unlike his brother, Harry was not a very social person. He could talk in public and manipulate people well, but there was a discomfort when forced to speak to the public. While his brother started talking about how his term at Hogwarts was, Harry slipped from the crowds boarded the train. 

Lily Potter was anxiously waiting for her sons to get home. Espetially Harry. She knew that she wanted to treat him good and couldn't wait until her first-born son was home.  She watched as Harry pulled the hood of his jacket over his face so that people wouldn't recognise him and smiled. He was just like her. She also hated the media with a passion and did almost anything to avoid the drama, while her husband and second-born son were nothing like her. 

James, while he enjoyed being the center of attention, was not an arrogant man. In fact, once you knew him, he was one of the most honest and kindest people alive. But that didn't mean he was forgiving. Oh no, James Potter was one of those people who would hold a grudge till the day they died. It was one of the reasons him and Severus refuse to look past their childhood. Both men were very stubborn. 

She snapped out of her reviere when she saw that Harry was getting closer. He walked up to her with no enthusiasm and said, "Hi." She smiled warmly and said, "Hello, are you ready to go back home?" Harry just looked at her and nodded. All though she had tried everything, there was an air of indifference in Harry's answers and looks. Out of nowhere, Oliver came and tucked her with a hug. She hugged Oliver with all the love in her heart and saw Harry looking at them with something akin to longing. But what she mistook longing was in actuality hate.

She let go of Oliver and said, "OK, grab the portkey and lets leave." They did as commanded and a second later they swirled around to stop on the grounds of Potter manor.

It has been a few weeks and James was worried. Harry never wants to go out flying with him and his brother. He didn't want to go visit Padfoot or Moony and he did not want to spend time with any of them. The only time he seemed relaxed was when he was at the Library. "Lily, do you think he started to wonder why he was put there in the first place?" He asked his wife. Lily looked at her feet and answered, "Yes, I think he is trying to find answers. yesterday I saw him looking at a peculiar book that was written specifically of Azkaban."

James sighed and ran a hand through his  messy hair. "He's going to hate us, isn't he?" He asked not really expecting an answer. Lily looked at her feet and said, "Maybe the prophecy is coming true. Maybe this is what leads him to join the dark." James looked at Lily alarmingly and said, "do not ever say that. Harry just needs to know we love him." Lily nodded and said, "yes I think we need to show him how much we love him." She was determined to make up on what happened to her son. 

"Why don't we throw a party?  May be it could be dedicated to him. We could invite everyone. It would definitely tell him that we love him." James nodded and said, "Brilliant."

Tuesday morning Harry left his room fully dressed to go to the library when he heard feet behind him. He whipped out his wand and pointed it at the intruder. He put it back when he saw it was just his father. "Harry come. I have something to show you." he said as he walked to the garden. He opened the door and looked at the people that gathered there. "What is this?" he asked. Lily with a big smile on her face said, "Harry we are here so that you know that we all love you." James nodded and said, "It's okay if you don't want to be here. But it would mean so much tous if you spent a little time with us." He said. harry looked at him and said coldly, "If you wanted badly to spend time with me, why did you send me away." He said as he moved togo back into the house. 

Lily was frozen as only tears cascaded down her cheeks. James was  still standing frozen on his place. "Where did they send him mom?" Asked Ron. James looked at the small redheaded child and said, "He's right Lily, we did send him away to Azkaban no less. We can't expect him to forgive us." he said weakly. Lily looked at her husband and said, "Don't give up now James, We still have sometime. And I am sure that he won't stray to the dark." She said. At that moment Harry had reentered the garden and said, "You were only doing this so I wouldn't stray to the dark?" He asked fake tears cascading down his cheeks. Lily gasped and held her hand to her mouth.  "TELL ME!" He shouted. Lily froze in her place unable to say anything. "I should have known." He said as he ran into the house. Lily put her heads on her hands and sobbed.

"Well, even if he was not going to betray us before, he is now." Grumbled moody. harry entered the house and smirked. 'hook, line and sink.' He thought as he made his way to the library. 

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