| Chapter 6 |

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Zoe’s POV

“WHAT THE FU**K!” William screamed and jolted up, making the girl sitting on his lap fall on the floor.

Ouch! That’s going to hurt.

Yesterday after waking up, I packed my stuff and got ready to come here. I told my friends I was going on a mini-vacation, and not about finding my dad and brother because I knew they’ll be gossiping about it behind me. It was better not to tell them, at least not yet.

I called Austin and told him about my situation because I wasn’t able to tell him before. He wished me luck and said if I need any kind of help, he’ll be there for me. I was glad that we stayed friends. He will leave for college in a few days and I apologized I wouldn’t be there to see him off but will call him when he gets settled there.

He and Aubrey didn’t talk to each other. I suggested he should set things out before leaving for college or he’ll regret it later; he said he needed more time.

I don’t get how a small kiss like that can ruin a friendship for years. People should resolve it rather than give silent treatments.

Anyway, Mom said that I didn’t need to do all the packing, because I wouldn’t be staying with Dad, just going to meet him and come back. But I want to stay with him and I need time with him to talk and get to know my brother.

I always wanted a brother. I had seen how protective they get with their sisters and they play and fight over everything; I wanted something like that.

Aubrey and my relationship weren't like that. We were step-siblings. I didn’t want that kind of relationship with my brother; I wanted to get to know him and to do things that siblings do together, be like real siblings even if we were half.

Mom and I argued for the entire day and finally, with the help of my stepfather, she allowed me. Jacob made me take Bob, my driver/bodyguard, with me, and he also booked me a hotel here in case I needed to stay somewhere.

Today when I was sitting in the car outside my dad’s house, I was anxious. It took me almost an hour to get myself ready.

“I don’t think I could do this,” I muttered sitting in the car, but Bob heard me anyway.

He got a super hearing.

“Of course, you can.” He encouraged, looking through the rearview mirror. “You have come this far, you can’t back out now.”

Bob was assigned to me when I was twelve. He’s an amazing listener and would listen to me bickering about school and other things, and gave me pieces of advice too. He taught me self-defense and was like a friend.

Bob was not his actual name, it was something in German, that I couldn’t pronounce at that time, so I called him Bob and he never stopped me. I think he secretly likes it. He was in his 40s, married to a beautiful wife, and have two cute kids.

“What if something bad happens? What if I mess up things? What if he rejects me? What if-“ I was cut off by his laugh.

“That’s a lot of what-ifs.” He chuckled.

“Don’t mind me getting anxious about seeing my dad for the first time.” I huffed.

“Listen, you have thought this through, right?” I bobbed. “Then let’s get this over with. You go inside, tell them who you are, and see what happens. Zoe, you are an amazingly sweet girl, more mature than the girls your age and a strong one. You know when and what to do in every situation, and you keep that smile on your face no matter what. So just take deep breaths and go in there.” He finished.

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