Chapter 1: The Discovery of the Giant Potsherd

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"Blimey! Georgy look at this!" The stocky archaeologist named Jim waved his hands in the air.

George, a tall, heavyset man in his mid-forties ran over from the section of the site which he was excavating, which had proved to be useless, the only thing found being shards of pottery. As Director Thompson had said, "Potsherds are old news. They don't tell you anything except, heck this civilization had pottery too! Wow! Historical breakthrough guys! No, we need something new and never seen before, like the caveman's first dinosaur filet recipe or the invention of the archaic doughnut." Now, George, being a Creationist didn't believe all this malarkey about archaic doughnuts, but he did believe that whatever his buddy Jim had found was a whole lot better than boring potsherds.

"Look at this, Georgy! It's got writing on it!" It was a very extensive potsherd that hadn't been fully uncovered and what had been uncovered was about six feet long.

George took one look at the thing and shot up into the air like a startled kitten, "Jumping Jehoshaphat! Holy Moses! Mother of Mary! These people must have lived in goliath pots! Do you know what it says?"

Jim gave George a proud smile, "Fortunately for us, I took Hebrew, Greek, and Aramaic, four years of each throughout college and high school, so whatever this is written in, I can probably read—By Elijah's beard! It's written in Hebrew and Aramaic! The heading says, 722 BC Annual Prophet's Conference Minutes."

George peered at the gibberish on the potsherd, "Go on, read it. It's Greek to me."

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