The Rabbit Hole

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Jenny Mills coughed and coughed. She was slowly losing consciousness, even though she's already been brought to the hospital and has been diagnosed. Nothing worked. She was going to be in a deep slumber, just like all the others who have the disease. A tear rolled down her cheek as she lay motionless in bed. She didn't want to go to sleep, she had her whole life ahead of her. She can't just let this one disease stop her from doing so.

"But it stopped everyone else.." She reminded herself. "And it can stop me, too.." Jenny did her best to keep her eyes from closing. Her memories flashed before her; Her father, her brothers, her dear cousin Crystal, Aunt Suzy, her beloved doll, and the mother she never met. 

Footsteps echoed throughout the hall- and hurriedly they were coming to her hospital room. 

The door slammed open, and there stood her worn-out father, Robbie Mills. "Jenny!"He yelled, about to go over her bedside when the nurses and the doctor restrained him from doing so. "No! Don't close your eyes, Jenny, no!" 

I'm sorry, dad. She sobbed quietly in bed. Two other voices echoed her name. Her brothers'. 


 "Don't sleep, Jenny! Stay awake!" 

I'm sorry, Apfel. I'm sorry, Robin... She let slumber take over her as she lost her will to keep her eyes open.

She was falling in a bottomless pit., just like how it went in the book. Jenny continued to fall for who-knows-how-long, watching as she passed by floating furniture. She wondered if Alice was screaming when she, the heroine, was falling. It was never stated in the book, except that most of the time Alice was only talking to herself, so she assumed she probably didn't. She stayed voiceless, until a blinding light made her black out again.

When she came to, her hospital gown was replaced with a pink knee-length dress with a frilly, single-pocketed apron and black doll shoes. She was inside a room with walls of different colors and checkered patterns. The floor was a gold and red checkered pattern. Jenny brushed her black hair out of her face. "How did I get here?" She looked around, looking for any place where she could escape. Or rather, wake up. At a far end, there were tiny red curtains. Was the door there? It was rather small though. "Either way, Alice went through this, too. And if there really is a door--" She opened the curtains. "--There should be a key!" 

"...Indeed there is, dearie!" The door spoke.

Jenny gasped, but then she remembered: it was the disease getting to her. She was only dreaming. Besides, the door talked in the book, too. But... weren't there supposed to be bigger doors..? She didn't bother. Jenny smiled nervously at the door. "Why hello there." She greeted. The door politely greeted back. 

"Pleasant evening, Mïss." Evening? How did it know it was evening? Jenny chose not to ask and leave the thought wander off her mind. "If you wish to pass me, please be less violent and use the bottle, then the key. I think enough people have smashed me." 

 "People?" Jenny asked. 

"Oh, it's nothing, Miss! Now please, the key?" The door glanced past her.

Jenny darted her head towards the table. It wasn't there before, but luckily, she read the book. A glass three-legged table was in the middle of the room with a small bottle on top. On the bottle was a small message. "These are the directions, correct..?" Jenny asked herself as she read the message. "Drink me... sounds suspicious, but I'll do it anyway." Alice didn't get hurt by shrinking, after all. Though she did think it was poison at first. Jenny chugged on the bottle. It strangely tasted like.. roast turkey. She then shrunk to a smaller size. "That's better, now I can--" Then she stopped when she noticed the door laughing. Jenny's eyes widened. "Argh! Why didn't I get it sooner?!" She forgot the key. 

"Try the box!" The door said. Instantly, a tiny golden box popped out near Jenny's feet. She crouched down, opened it, and ate one of the tiny cakes labelled 'Eat me'. 

She grew taller and taller until her head hit the wall. "Ouch.." She muttered. Going over to the table again, she took the golden key. "Now I shouldn't lose this." She shoved it inside her apron's pocket before drinking the bottle again. She shrunk back. 

"Impressive!" The door praised her. 

Jenny smiled. "Now this is where I bid you goodbye, Mr. Door." Taking the key out, she unlocked the doorknob, and opened the door.

Her jaw hung open as she saw the beautiful scenery of Wonderland. It was almost better than what she'd imagined! "Forget that.." Jenny muttered. "It IS better than what I'd imagined!" She twirled around, her pink dress swaying as a cool wind passed her by. 

It was beautiful. Absolutely stunning. Most of all, quite realistic. Her lips curled up into a smile. "It's like I'm in a different world..." Like the real world. Her smile vanished at the thought of reality. She had nearly forgotten about her goal of waking up. "I shouldn't be distracted.." Jenny told herself. "I need to get out of here.." She ran. Baby steps, small steps, a simple walk, a run, a faster run, then the fastest run her legs could manage. She tripped over a rock. Her face landed on the soft, green grass of the meadow. "Ow ow ow..."

There was a fit of laughter from behind her. Jenny froze. "So," A voice said as the laughing died down. It was a boy's. "You're the new Alice?"

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