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     There was a sound of snapping from behind her. Jenny jerked her head. The voice's owner had jet black hair, victorian clothes that were coloured black and red, black combat boots and, strangely, crimson red eyes. He had black gloves and a dagger sheathed on his waistbelt. In his hands was a severed head of some kind of creature with grey fur. Blood dripped form it. The boy's faces was splattered with the red liquid. Despite that, he had a smile glued to his face. He watched Jenny with curiousity and amusement.

     He would've been cute, if he weren't psychotic-looking.

     First thought that came to mind: A hunter. Jenny guessed right as the boy announced so himself shortly after. "I can't believe the New Alice is a girl, though." He said. "I mean, not like we don't have any she-Alices here, it's just that it's rare nowadays." He laughed. Jenny was bewildered. Bewildered, but not afraid.

     Jenny took a step back. "Um... excuse me?" The boy tossed the head aside, leaving a narrow trail of blood as it rolled down the green grass now stained red. Jenny had to stop herself from hurling. She should've been used to severed heads. Her brother Robin disected almost every animal known on the planet by now. "What do you mean 'New Alice?' "

     "You know about the disease,don'tcha?" Jenny was going to respond, but the boy answered his own question. "Of course you do. Otherwise you wouldn't be here in the first place." He wiped some of the blood off his face with his sleeve, but it just smudged all over, making an even bigger mess. "I hate it when this happens.." He focused back on Jenny.

      It was another human being, Jenny was sure of that. And he had the disease. If he hadn't, he wouldn't know about it at all. As for as she knew, human boys weren't in Wonderland, anyway. But what about the twins, Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum? They were probably considered 'Wonderlandians', for they weren't exactly your average peers.

     The boy's smile widened. "Since you're new here," he said. "I'll show you around. That'll give you an idea on how to survive. And along the way, you could find answers on your own. I'll just tell you the basics." Jenny nodded. But then she remembered. She didn't catch his name.

     "Who are you?" The boy's smile cracked into a grin.

     "The name's Redd, by the way. Everyone else calls me 'The Red Alice'. Ironic, right?" He snickered, "Now, you comin' or what, newbie?" A loud roar tore across the meadow. Jenny shivered.

     "What was that?"

     Redd ignored her, and kept up with his introduction. "FYI, there are other Alices, too. We call each other by color. Like you, you're probably the Pink Alice, considering you arrived with pink clothes on." Jenny took note of what he was saying.

      Then, she asked, "... If there are others..." she looked at Redd straight in the eye. "Does that mean there's more than one Alice?" Another roar came in.

     Redd groaned. "Jeez... that Jabberwocky, really." He grabbed Jenny's hand without warning.

     Jenny flinched in alarm. "Wait, what are you--"

     "No time to explain!" He yelled over another roar, this time, it was louder. "Either you come with me, or be lunch!" Jenny didn't have much of a choice. She let the peculiar boy lead the way.


     He whistled as they walked. Jenny couldn't shake the thought out of her head that this guy was really suspicious. Not that the place she was currently in wasn't, but still. What kind of person bursts out facts and asks obvious questions to a clueless stranger that just arrived? The crazy ones. But, she's going to be allies with him. That'd be nice. She wouldn't want a killer as an enemy. The roaring faded more and more with each step they took.

Alices of WonderlandWhere stories live. Discover now