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For a low class citizen on the planet Origin in the year of 20XX, I'm doing pretty nicely. My name is Tokeny, I am 15 years old, and I am just a girl with no family, a few friends, and a hamster named Sweet. The low class is frowned upon by the other people, and they are normally given bad treatment, like food once per day, and no place to sleep. Luckily, my friend Ellmus' parents are thinking of adopting me so my life will be less horrible. But the thing is, my life is pretty good already, for a low class citizen, so why even try? Just leave me the way I am, I'll do fine! My four friends that I have already give me stuff for me to live my life better than the other low classers, so why do his parents think they need to adopt me? Anyways, my friends are mostly all in the middle class, like Ellmus, Ramen, and WT, whose real name is Walkie-Talkie, but WT is the nickname we all gave him when we first met. Post-it is in the high class, which means he usually has some stuff left over for me to have, and it's not terrible. I mean I live in a box on the side of the road, how much worse can it get?! Every night we stand in front of the Doggus Orb, the big powerhouse in the middle of the town I live in that gives everyone powers, and discuss things. We plan on removing it, which will be a whole other journey in and of itself, but this doesn't focus on that, so I won't be talking about it. Let's start this with the day we all met, why don't we?

I was sitting in the back of class looking down and sad. I was 11 at the time, and I was having a bad day. The teacher had yelled at me for no reason, even though I am an exceptional student. Me, being the emotional mess of a person that I am, slumped my head down onto my desk and was sad for the rest of the class. I noticed, the one time I looked up from my stance, someone was looking at me, as if they were worried and wanted to say something. Next thing I knew, it was lunch time, and I was looking to sit by myself. I sat down on the stool and put my lunch tray down on the table. Today was my favorite, Cheese Stick Dippers with Mashed Potatoes and Sliced Pears. My negative attitude got in the way of my appetite and I just sat there poking and prodding at my pears instead of eating them. Suddenly, the person from class got their lunch tray and sat down next to me. "Hello?" they asked. I looked up from my position to find someone sitting across from me. He was a yellow lad, with a fold on his bottom left corner. "Hi. How are you?" I asked. "Uh, doing pretty well. I was actually going to ask you the same thing. I saw how you were in class today after the teacher yelled. I came over to ask if you were okay. I know she is really harsh." the boy answered. "Thanks for wanting to ask me that. Nobody has ever been nice to me before." I responded. Later, three unfamiliar faces sat down next to the yellow lad and asked him a bunch of questions and talked about things. "Sorry, these are my friends. They can be a bit... how would you put it, invasive at times." the yellow lad told me. He offered his hand out to me. I was caught slightly off guard. I reached out and shook it. "The name's Post-it." He told me. "Tokeny. Nice to meet you." I said in response. "So, who's this? Your new girrrllllfriiieeeeend?" One of Post-it's friends teased him. "Oh shut up, would you, Ramen? I'm just trying to make someone feel better here, jeez." Post-it retorted. "That was unnecessary." a grey lad said. "Let me introduce you to my friends properly without them TEASING me." Post-it said, glaring at Ramen, who snickered to herself. "This black circle without a mouth is Ellmus. He lives in the middle class and is pretty cool and smart." Post-it told me. "Sup!" Ellmus greeted me. "Hi." I replied. "This is Walkie-Talkie, but we all call him WT. He's- um- interesting, to say the least." Post-it stuttered. "HEY!" WT yelled. I laughed. "I've basically already introduced you to Ramen. She is someone who will have your back, but will make fun of you whenever she gets the chance." Post-it explained. I enjoyed my lunch as I watched Post-it introduce me to his friends. They all seemed nice, and they could potentially be the first people that were not mean to me. Friends, perhaps? "We have daily meetings just to talk about things and be funny. Wanna come?" Post-it asked me. It was at that moment that I looked back on my life. I was born, and a few days later, I was abandoned in the streets. I grew up living like I currently am, for ten years. Ten years, without anybody to talk to or any good food to eat. Now, everything has changed. I have actual friends, and I feel way better about myself. I nodded my head. "That's cool! It's nice to have another friend." Post-it responded. He told me the time and I kept it in my backpack. I got back to my cardboard box and looked at the time. It was 3:30 PM right now, and the meeting was at 5. I had enough time to prepare and think about stuff. I looked at the paper and where the meeting was. I noticed that they were going to meet right at the spot where my little box was. I was so excited for new people to talk to, that I literally cried. The meeting time came. I stayed the entire two hours that they were talking, just talking along with them. It was so amazing, and I felt like I was reaching an important point in my life. I went back to my little box, waved goodbye to them, and went to bed excited for the next day. 

I did the exact same thing every day for the four years after that. Everything has gotten better, and it all started that one fateful day at school. Now that I look back on it, it's almost ironic. School, something that nobody likes, made me the happiest little girl in the world. I met four of the people that would become my most trusted confidants. I am a fifteen year old girl named Tokeny, who lives in a box on the side of the road, and a part of the low class. Even with all of those things, I am happy to admit that I am living my best life.

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