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"mmm hello" i answered the phone sluggishly.

"y/n open the window please" tendou said in a mischievous tone.

"Um... okay" i hung up the phone and checked the time. its 4:30 in the morning... this boy must've lost his damn mind for waking me up this early

I slowly got out of bed and opened my window. Tendou stood outside with two iced coffees, a box of donuts and some pancakes. He wore a humongous smile that made my heart melt and made me blush like a moron.

"scooch over y/n so i can come in" i moved out of his way and he handed me everything so he can come inside. 

"hey dummy, why didnt you use my front door" i said, looking at him struggling to get through my small window

"i know you little y/n. You were really pissed when i woke you up this morning right? especially with the time? i knew you'd be upset so i didnt want to make you even more angry by making you go all the way to the front of your house. So, i saved you time by coming through the window. your welcome."

"hmm, you're right but i wouldnt have been as mad if i saw you with all this stuff you know"

"i know that now. when you opened your window, you looked like the devil... no offense. but as soon as you saw everything i had, you looked like a cute little marshmallow"

"pft, whatever... lets eat"

We sat on my bed as we ate and talked about Stalking Killing

"favorite character.. go" tendou said


"he literally had like 5 lines y/n"

"so? he was an absolute icon during those 5 lines. Whats yours?"

"sangwoo or jieun"

His answer made me choke on my coffee "jieun? but why?"

"shes got guts. She was literally in sangwoos basement about to be murdered and still talked shit about her murderer. That was badass of her. sorta reminds me of myself"

"I hated her"

"You would. So why did you start reading stalking killing?"

"a lot of people in the anime community said it was a good story so i read it.. how did you stumble upon a story like this one"

"same as you"

"mmmm interesting... so... have you repaired your friendship with Ushiwaka?" 

Tendou stayed silent for a while, he seemed like he was thinking carefully about what he was going to say next.

"that day i asked you to be my girlfriend.. the fight me and wakatoshi had..." Tendou mumbled. is he about to tell me what happened.. finally?

"sato-" He put his hand up as a signal for me to shut up

"let me finish y/n... please. Wakatoshi and i fought over you." He chuckled and rubbed the back of his neck. "i dont really know how to tell you this but hes sorta in love with you little y/n and he said some mean things to me... it set me off. He said i didnt deserve you and that one day, you'd leave me for him... i didnt tell you because i thought he was right. i thought you'd leave me for wakatoshi if i had told you how he felt about you" Tendou looked at his hands and started to fiddle with his thumbs.

ARE. YOU. FREAKING. KIDDING. ME. he really thought id do something like that?

"why tendou? why would you think that? do you not trust me? do you second guess my love for you? this is my fault isnt it? i apologize for making you feel that way and for making you doubt my feelings for you" tears started to flow out of my eyes like a waterfall

summer | tendou x readerWhere stories live. Discover now