Things Get Worse! (I swear to god, you hurt her...)

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Octavia and Clarke were asleep and Bellamy was waiting for Murphy's return.
A phew weeks back when Charlotte jumped off a cliff Murphy got the blame, he was banished and has been waiting for revenge!
Bellamy has been worried for a long time, he knows what Murphy is capable of.
He went to Octavia and Clarke, (who were both asleep upon the blanket), and stroked there heads. He then went to sleep himself.
In the morning he woke everyone up at sunrise.
"Clarke, Octavia, a word." He said.
Then Clarke and Octavia went to the top of the drop ship with Bellamy.
"As you know, for weeks I've been planning for Murphy's return and I have a feeling he's coming back soon. There's 1 problem with my plan... You 2 need to be safe so you're going to wait up here whilst I deal with it." Bellamy told them.
"We're big girls Bellamy, we can look after ourselves. I can understand you wanting to protect your sister but me and you are barely friends!" Clarke answered.
Then Clarke went back down and Octavia stayed put. Bellamy went outside to find Clarke but instead went into Jasper's tent. He was getting the bullets ready for Murphy's return but in a matter of seconds someone's hands went round his face and over his mouth... IT WAS MURPHY!
"So Bellamy seems like you've been looking forward to seeing me for a long time. I can see you've been planning it for months!" Said Murphy in a sly way.
"Hey bell" said a woman outside the tent.
"Who is it?" Said Murphy pretending to be Bellamy.
"It's Clarke, and I...." Bellamy stopped her mid-sentence and butted in,
"Clarke, Cla..." Murphy put his hands over Bellamy's mouth again.
"I just wanted to say sorry for being selfish earlier. I know you were only trying to help. I just don't want to see you go through the whole 'Murphy thing' alone" said Clarke.
Murphy looked at Bellamy and told him "So you want to protect her from me? Well if you tell her I'm here I'll do what will hurt the the most... I'll hurt her or maybe worse, I'll kill her!"
Bellamy told Clarke he was fine and she walked off to continue with what she was doing.
"Please Murphy, I'll do anything. You can hurt me, starve me, kill me even. But I swear to god, you hurt her and you'll be a dead man, you hear me?" Bellamy said strongly.
"How are you going to stop me if I kill you first?"...............

A/N -Sorry about the cliff hanger! Hope you're enjoying this fanfic! I'd like to make a shout out to a great Bellarke fan TrustBellarkeForever xxx

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