Chapter: 29

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I woke up happy cuz it's Akaashi's birthday😌

3rd POV

Izuku could hear his heart shatter at the hands of the boy in front of him.

"D-despise..?" He asked, on the verge of sobbing. "B-but.."

He had nothing to say, no counter to the hateful words. Shoto.. despised him? As in hated him? Was it because Izuku was an ex vigilante?

He can work harder!

He will work harder!

Izuku choked on a sob, as he was still laying down, and looked up at Shoto.

He seemed monotone as ever, seemingly unaffected by the words he had just spoken.
Izuku's vision blurred and shifted before black dots got larger and larger. It made his dizzy even though he was sitting down. It made it hard to see the younger, but Izuku could just make out the faint smile and the words, "Until next time, Izuku." before his eyes shut all together.


Izuku woke with a scream.

Please be a nightmare! Please be a nightmare! Please be a nightmare!

Although in the back of his head.. Izuku knows that was all way too real to have been a nightmare. But.. Todoroki wouldn't do that.. right? This.. this was a trick! It had to be!

"Child, calm yourself." A steady women's voice came to his side, her cool hand being placed over his overheated forehead.

His rapid breathing calmed in response, his body relaxing onto the ground.

Izuku opened his eyes. A fairly.. recognizable women sat in front of him, her hair white as snow and her eyes a familiar deep blue. Her smile was soft, like someone's he knew. But he couldn't quite place it.

"W-who.. are you?" Izuku asked, his voice raspy. His throat hurt slightly but that was likely because he had just screamed at the top of his goddamned lungs.

"I'm Rei." The women said, a fond smile on her face. "I've only just gotten here as well. Though you can tell they have no manners in hospitality. Poor boy, you seem to be burning with a fever."

Izuku shifted uncomfortably, sitting up so his back was against a wall.

"A fever?" Izuku groaned. "Again?!"

Rei's head tilted to the side. "Again? This must happen quite often then, do you take proper care of yourself?" She asked.

"If I said yes, would that be believable?" Izuku asked jokingly.

Rei sighed, "Child. You mustn't overexert your body at such a young age. It could lead to serious injuries when you are older that are nothing to laugh about." The white haired women reprimanded in a familiar way.

Izuku's head tilted. "Forgive me for asking ma'am, but I never caught your last name."

"Hm? Oh that's because I abandoned my last name years ago, young one." Rei said with a soft smile. "But if it's important, it's Todoroki. Todoroki Rei."

Izuku snapped his fingers rather suddenly. That's where the familiarity came from, Shoto took after his mother in plenty more ways then his father, even if he was literally half of both parents. His excitement dwindled considerably when he seemed to realize something though. Shoto had.. drugged him? Kidnapped him? Izuku's head spun. What the hell does he get out of that. If Shoto brought him here, he must know that his mother is here too right? He was so worried about his mother earlier, was he faking it?

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