ACT I: Ekaggata

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double update, wow, im so productive


I found myself biting my lip, attempting to distract myself from the heavy realization that an arrow could impale Tommy and end him. Dream could die as well, and I was having trouble deciding who I wanted to live more. I wanted them both to survive this, I wanted Dream to right his wrongs one day, and Tommy to finally get his happy end with his home.

I didn't realize I was trembling until Tubbo nudged me, giving me a concerned gaze. I gave him a slight nod, silence assurance that I'd be fine. My gaze drifted to the scene before us, Dream standing on one end of the wood path, Tommy standing on the other.

Tommy's face was twisted in a scowl, anger flaring behind his eyes. I tried to figure out Dream's expression underneath that mask, but his posture gave nothing away, it was as if he didn't care. Something told me that he wasn't like that, and that he did care. 

He had showed he cared when he told me to eat.

Negative thoughts soon began to swirl in my head, a realization that Dream might have just wanted to keep his prisoner alive. Of course, he only needed one of us, why didn't he kill the other? 

If that was what he was planning, then I would rather die than let Tubbo perish. I couldn't live with myself if I knew Tommy had to know that Tubbo had died under my protection. 

I was torn from my thought from Wilbur's voice cutting through the air, slicing the tension like a steak knife. My gaze locked with his, a warm feeling gathering in my chest, a smile cracking on my face. Something about Wilbur brought me comfort, almost a sibling-like one. 

"You both know the rules. I will count ten paces, each pace you will move a step away from each other, backs turned. On the final pace, you will turn around and begin," Wilbur announced, his eyes never leaving me. His hand raised in the air, leaving a shadow to fall on me, gold light beginning to outline his hand. 

Tommy and Dream, as if on cue, turned on their heels, back facing each other.


My nerves began to crackle like electricity, the hairs on my neck standing up as my eyes began to flick between Dream and Tommy. The two took a step forward, away from each other.


Dream and Tommy took another step. I could see Tommy's knuckles begin to whiten as he gripped his bow tighter, trembling with the rage I had seen earlier.


Another step, Dream rolling his shoulders, as if trying to shake his nerves. I almost scoffed at the thought of being nervous, reminding myself Dream most likely didn't care.


Dream took a much larger step than Tommy this time. I felt George tense up behind me, the grasp on my shoulder squeezing a bit more. 


Step. I couldn't believe George was also anxious, but if the death grip on my shoulders indicated anything, it had to be that. In the corner of my eye, I could see Tubbo shifting his weight from foot to foot.


Step. My gaze swept around, noticing how the people of L'manburg had determination plastered on their faces. Wilbur still had his eyes on me, the usual glint in his eyes gone from the clouds beginning to drift in front of the sun. 

On the other side. (DreamWasTakenxReader)Where stories live. Discover now