ACT I: Scintillating

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Word count: 1026

I like how I just die for two weeks, then suddenly resurrect and do double updates. (no, i have not proof read yet. will do tomorrow, it's 2 am, btw plot picks up soon.)


"I'm not sure you'd understand," Dream remarked, striding over to the metal door. My gaze followed him, my brows furrowing at him. Dream paused, his hand gripping the door, head turned away from me. 

"There's a lot of things you wouldn't understand," he added with a low tone, before jamming a key into the lock of the door, and unlocking it. Before I could make any move towards him and the door, he was gone, the lock already clicking. I stared at the door, my brain going from listening to his fading footsteps, to figuring out what he meant.

I wasn't some child who needed things kept from. I scoffed, dragging my feet over to my bed, and plopping down on the edge. My headache disagreed, as if to say it was my fault I had a headache and was in this jail to begin with.

I lifted my hands to the cloth wrapped around my head, tugging at it slightly, and sliding my fingers over it. I felt something sharp prick my finger, making me jump. I raised my eyebrows, going back to feel around for the object. Once I found it, I got it free from the cloth, and got a closer look.

Upon examination, I figured out it was a needle. A needle that I could use to pick a lock. 


I found myself trying to get a needle into a small hole in pitch black. I used my fingers to find the hole, before trying to slide in the needle and fiddle around with it. I had bent the needle a bit, trying to recreate a trick Tommy had showed me awhile ago.

I always laughed at his antics, saying that if we were ever in a kidnapping situation, we'd need to know all this crazy stuff. Now that I was being imprisoned, I wish I had gone along with it, and learned something valuable.

I let out a huff of frustration, jamming the needle in the lock, and jiggling it around. I squinted, attempting to see through the blanket of darkness incasing the room. It was like a thick fog of some sort, anything could be lurking in the shadowy corners of the room now that I thought about it.

Suddenly two voices echoed down the hallway, my shoulders stiffening at the noise. I froze, staying planted where I was as I saw dim torch light flickering through the small holes in the metal door. When I heard the voices growing louder, I scrambled back from the door, leaping to my bed.

The bed creaked underneath my weight as I rolled over onto my back, tucking the needleunderneath the covers. Despite my recent thoughts, the voices stopped coming closer, and the torch light rested at the metal door, barely coming through. They seemed to have stopped a little down the hallway outside of my room.

"Just take the deal, and I'll handle rest from there," an unfamiliar voice said. It was deep, and rough, giving me an unnerving feeling that made my skin crawl. I tried to listen closely to what they were saying, but the words seemed to skip over each other. 

"They have more ----- now, and no doubt will try to ----------  girl and --------- little war," he pointed out with a sharp, but persuasive tone. I furrowed my brows in confusion, unintentionally leaning towards the door to try and hear their conversation better.

"I -------------- duel, and they should ------------ the ------------." Dream's voice was sudden, but gave me a comforting feeling oddly enough. I decided to enjoy it, but not trust it. It could just be because Dream was somewhat attractive, and that's how any girl (or boy) would react to a guy. 

I slowly found myself getting soundlessly out of bed, and stalking over to the metal door. I pressed my ear against the cold metal, goosebumps crawling up my arms with the sudden temperature change.

"Just trust me on this. I'll come in, start an election, win it, and give L'manburg to you." I could hear the smug, confident smile in this man's tone. Despite the unnerving feeling, my blood began to boil. I drew my lips into a frown, listening to their conversation dissolve as they walked away.

The light that had come with them vanished, leaving me in pitch black again. I let out a heavy sigh, carefully making my way back to my bed, and searching for the needle I had hidden. When I found it, the needle was bent at an odd angle. I attempted to get it back the way I had it before, but soon realized that I had accidentally sat on it, and broken it to the point that I couldn't use it. 

That was just my luck, besides from being held hostage, and finding your enemy somewhat attractive. 

My thoughts began to wander to what I had overheard earlier. Who was this guy? And what did he mean by election and deal. I remembered something of a deal if Dream won the bow duel, but nothing had been mentioned from that. 

If Wilbur and the others held up their end of the deal, that would mean all our efforts were for nothing. If they accepted the deal to get me back, then they shouldn't have. I was more than willing to die for L'manburg if it meant the others having freedom. 

I flopped onto my bed, ignoring the sudden spell of dizziness from the sudden action, and instead closing my eyes. 

I didn't know how long I'd be stuck in here, but I found myself craving the baking I'd do with Tubbo. I found myself wanting to hug Wilbur again, or hang out with Tommy again. Tommy. If he was still alive, and Dream was telling the truth. Deep down I knew Tommy was okay, but another part of me refused to believe Dream.

He was a monster, just like Wilbur said, right?

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