The Oak

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6pm took forever to arrive. I cleaned up my mess, took another shower, and got dressed. I needed something that didn't scream desperate but I needed to show off a little bit too. I decided gym shorts and a muscle shirt with sleeves cut down to my waist would work. I put my headphones in and gave Charlie a pat on the head as I walked out the front door. I looked down at my phone as I plug my headphones in.
He was off work now. I'd be lying to myself if I said I wasn't a little nervous— fuck that, I am super nervous. I try to push out my nervous thoughts in favor of pleasurable ones. Raymond, if even for just the night, would be mine. I begin my "jog" as I set off for the Oak.

He didn't choose that location by accident. It was very intentional. I remember the Oak. It's where I first kissed his brother.


"I get it Rollie, I do, but no one has to know" I say while holding my hands on his hips. Rollie shifted his face to the ground.
It was junior year. He was 17 I was 16. His hair was an unkempt pile of brown moose. His eyes were the deepest shade of blue, almost like the night sky. I didn't know I had a crush on him until I was 13. He was definitely my sexual awakening, I went to every game that year. I made it my mission to become his best friend. Finally when we started high school he began to notice me. We became fast friends freshman year. That only continued into sophomore year. He convinced me to try out for football with him. We both made it that year. I did it because it made him happy, I hated football but if it meant I got to see more of him I would do it in a heartbeat.

I got myself in a very dangerous spot. I was so infatuated with this boy that I knew I could never have, or so I thought. Toward the middle of sophomore year I went to his house to hangout until the game that night. It was the biggest game of the season. Rollie was so excited he wanted to have me over for dinner and then we could ride to the game together. Before dinner was ready we were hanging out in Rollie's room playing mortal kombat. He went to use the bathroom and I started to snoop. I found a magazine under his bed. I expected to see playboy, or some other cliche straight man porn magazine. However, this magazine had a gigantic cock gracing the cover. My head began to spin. Rollie was gay? Or at the very least bisexual. I had two options. Hide it and move on like nothing happened, or ask him about it. Damn my curious nature. 

We lost the game that night. The star player Rollie Willis looked distracted according to broadcasters. Rollie distanced himself from me for the rest of the year. He asked me not to tell anyone, I kept that promise. Junior year started and I missed my friend. Over the summer it got leaked that I preferred a strictly meat diet. The first day of school was hell. If I heard one gay slur I heard them all that day. I saw a look of sadness in Rollie's eyes. He didn't agree with how I was being treated. It came to a head in gym when Rollie attacked one of the other jocks for calling me a cocksucker. He beat him to a pulp. Shortly after that Rollie was suspended for a week.

I sent him a quick text asking him to come to the giant Oak in his back yard. We used to play Tarzan there when we were little. It was a big hollowed out oak. People don't know how it's still standing, but it has become a fixture of the town so no one will remove it. The Oak was big enough to fit 4-5 people in it. But we didn't need that much room. I sat at the foot of the tree waiting for him. I started to think he would never show. He eventually did show, he looked so sad. "Rollie?" I softly say.

"Hi Bren" he says without looking up.
"Are you okay?"
"Yeah", I didn't believe him. I finally got him to open up some more after a lot of short answers.
"Bren you don't understand, I'm in love with you. I was upset when you found my magazine because I thought you would hate me"
"So that's why you pushed me away?" I say.
"I never wanted to push you away, I just thought you wouldn't want to be my friend."
"Rollie...I..." I trail off.
"I know that's not true now. After this summer. I won't let anyone say that stuff about you I hope you know that. I'll fucking get expelled, I don't even care"
His eyes were filled with tears. I started choking back my own.
"Rollie I've loved you ever since we kids. When you pushed me away I just realized how much I loved you." I can't hold back the tears. I embrace him in a hug. My hands slowly move to his hips.
"Bren, I don't how I can love you. My family... everyone would hurt you. They'd try to push us apart." He said while gripping my arms. "I get it Rollie, I do, but no one has to know". Rollie's gaze shifted to the ground. "At least until after school" I finish. He looked at my face with a pained smile.

He moved in for a kiss. I met his wet warm lips with mine. My senses heightened and I could only now realize how good he smelled tonight. Pine tar and earth. He was my favorite scent. Too bad it couldn't last. The flashlight burned my eyes and I jumped back. It was Raymond, Rollie's older brother. He was training to be a cop, he had the same girlfriend from high school. That's about all I knew.
"What the fuck do you two fairies think you're doing out here?" He said while beaming the flashlight into my eyes.

I could hear Rollie fall to the ground and begin bawling. He was begging Raymond not to say anything. Raymond said he wouldn't, but it didn't take long for Rollie's mom to mysteriously find out about his sexual orientation. I tried to talk to Rollie at school, but soon he disappeared. Vanished. His whole family left town with him. Only Raymond stayed around to finish training. I tried calling and texting but the number was dead. With Rollie gone the bullying at school returned. And thus I was miserable until graduation.


Although my house is quite the distance from the Oak, I made it there in 15 minutes. I could see Raymond's outline by the tree. He was standing in the same place I stood all those years ago. I wanted answers. I wanted to know why this married man wanted to have sex with me. I had to know what was going on.

"There you are" he says in his gravely voice.
"Before we get started, I need to know why. You have kids... you're married..." he stopped me.
"You don't get to ask the questions. Not now. We play by my rules. We keep it a secret."
Was this a threat? I'm sure it was. He grabs my shoulder and pushes me to the ground. He unzips his jeans. His thick cock finds its way out rather easily. I wanted to object, but I couldn't find the strength to.

"Let's see what that mouth can do" he says before grabbing me by my hair and slamming my mouth on his girth. "I control you now, you're my bitch."

He wasn't wrong.

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