End of the beginning

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What the fuck was I doing with my life. I was going to focus on myself this summer. I had convinced myself that I didn't need sexual pleasure, at least for now. I knew it would lead me down a very dark path. I had opened Pandora's box when I touched the town cop's cock. I let the poison seep into my brain. I should hate him, and I definitely shouldn't be sucking his cock right now. Why? Why was I this weak.....

I was present, but my mind was far from here. I could feel his thick cock slamming the back of my throat. Good thing college gave me some gag reflex practice, because his cock was huge. He didn't say a word the entire time. He just used my mouth as a hole. This wasn't special, but is that what I was expecting? Where was my mind. 

I pull my head away from him. Even in the dark I could see him squint. "What do you think you're doing?" he says with a nasty scowl. 

"I... can't, I'm sorry this wasn't what I was expecting." I manage to spit out of my sore mouth.

"We don't stop until I am done"

This pissed me off, I knew he was stronger than me, but he was big and I was slender. I quickly came to my feet and darted for the street. I didn't look back until I got to my front door. No Raymond behind me. I was safe. I guess not having "meat" on my bones served me well. 

I was gross and sweaty from the humid summer air. I take a shower and go to bed. Tomorrow has to be a better day.


The next day

It was only a week until college started up again. It would be my last semester and then I could complete my dream of moving away from this backwards ass town. I had one week left to fix what I started with my hand that day. I rolled out of bed to grab my phone and was met with several missed calls and texts. 

10 texts and 4 calls from Raymond. 

2 from my mom who was out of town

1 call from an unknown number that left a voicemail

Raymond had sent me threats, saying I would pay for blue balling him. He said he would ruin my life again...wait...again? Is he admitting he was the one that got Rollie to move 5 years ago? 

I listened to the voicemail next...it made me drop to the floor

..."Hey Bren, I know it's been awhile...uhhh if you don't remember me I wouldn't blame you. I just.. well this... damn this is stupid...ughhh... I just want to see you...call me back when you can man"

It  was him.. it was Rollie. I begin crying and curl up into a ball. What am I gonna do? I scrambled to call him back, but was met with no answer. BANG BANG BANG

Someone was knocking at my front door. I run to the door as fast as I could Could it bed him? Could it be Rollie? I swing the door open to see Raymond. Fuck.

"You and I have some unfinished business..." he says as he pushes past me and slams the door behind him. His brow was dripping with sweat from the summer sun. I knew this wasn't going to be nice....

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