𝐤. 𝐫𝐞𝐧𝐠𝐨𝐤𝐮 - 𝐭𝐮𝐭𝐞𝐥𝐚𝐠𝐞 [❁]

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(A/N :: I decided to make this onto two parts, lmao. Here you go shiningjenna! I hope you'll like it, umu)

"Y/N-chan, you're the most beautiful girl in th-"

"Miss L/N, it's time to go home already!"

The h/c-ette woke up because of the fiery haired male's loud voice, making you snap out of your dream.

"I'm sorry, Rengoku-sensei!" The lass stammered, looking at him with a bit of rosey hues tinted on her face. 'Jeez, why does he have to be so dreamy...' You thought, looking at him.

"Well, you flunked history 2 times, L/N-san. You weren't like this before, what's bothering you lately?" Kyojuro muttered. 'Y-You're the one bothering me, you're just so h-handsome and nice, I just want to kiss you!' You muttered, your head only hearing all of it.

"U-Uhm, I don't know, Rengoku-sensei." You lied, giggling a little. "I'll be coming over your house to tutor you tomorrow. Have a nice day, L/N-chan!"


You were snuggling in a blanket as you watching the clock. Luckily, your parents and your big sister are on a vacation for 5 days, or else you'd be getting a round of teasing. You were imagining things if Kyojuro was your husband, making you space out-

"Y/N, my sweet flame, I'm home!"

"Kyo, how was work today?"

"It was gre-"

Suddenly, you heard a knock on the door, assuming it was your parents or your big sister. As you opened the door, Kyojuro suddenly stormed in with a smile,

"Hello, L/N-chan! Where's your room?"

"Uhm, its upstairs on the left corner of the room. W-Would you like anything, sensei? Please make yourself at home."

(am sorry, these modules are making me lazy smh)

"U-Uhm, Rengoku-sensei, I can't understand number 7.." You muttered, looking at your textbook.

"Call me Kyojuro, Y/N-chan!" The lad muttered with his classic smile. 'W-Wait, did he just call me with my first name?! I'm sorry, Kyojuro, but I'm not yet suitable for marriage.' You thought with a flushed face.

"Are you ok, Y/N-chan? Your face is red or..." The lad stammered with a smirk. 'Oh no, kami-sama, am I exposed already?! P-Please tell me, this is a dream!' You mumbled in your head, your face getting redder than Tanjiro's hair.

"Is it because you like me?"

"E-Eh?! How did you know?!"

"Uzui told me!"

The lass felt embarassed, her heart almost skipping two beats. "Don't be embarassed, in fact, I love you too, Y/N-chan!" He admitted. Your senses took over you and...

You kissed him.

"EEEEEEEEEKKKK, I'M SORRY!" The h/cette screamed, her face now beet red. "Let's do that again!" He stammered.

He pressed his lips against yours, but this time it was passionate, his hands traveling on your s/c torso, making you moan on the kiss. He took off your f/c shirt.

"No bra, hm? Was my sweet flame expecting this?" He teased, making you blush with different shades of red. "I-I was in a rush, okay?! A-And, I was more hoping than expecting..." You admitted, watching as he takes one of your mounds, licking, teasing, and biting your bud while his hand teasing the other one.

"A-Ah, N-No fair- Mhm! You're still fully clothed-" You moaned, grasping his fiery locks. He took off his clothes, only leaving him in his boxers. You could see the tent on his pants, seeing a bit of pre-cum oozing out of it.

"Look what you do to me, my sweet flame." He uttered, kissing you passionately once more, taking off your shorts and panties. You could feel his slender fingers traveling and entering you, making you moan in delight.

He pulled out, licking his fingers. "You taste sweet, my Y/N-chan." He teased, now sucking his fingers. "H-Hey, that's embarassing!" You adduced, now looking at the sight of hin taking off his boxers.

"Please, tell me if it hurts too much. I don't want to hurt you." He uttered before fully entering your hole, making the lass moan with pain and pleasure.

"I-It hurts! I-I-" You moaned loudly, cutting you off with a passionate kiss. He lets you adjust for a while. After a few minutes, he pulls out for a bit, leaving the tip of his cock inside you, then fully pushing inside you again.

He thrusts hardly, making you moan with pleasure, clawing his back. "You're taking me in s-so well, I can't hold back, I-I can't wait to marry you after you graduate, I-" His thrusts gets powerful each time he thrusts, making you release on his member.

After a few thrusts, he came deep inside you, falling on top of you before pulling out and cuddling you.

"I love you, Kyojuro."

"I love you more, my sweet flame."

He gives you a passionate kiss before you two fall in a deep sleep, hands entwined with each other.

甘い物 ;  𝐚𝐦𝐚𝐢𝐦𝐨𝐧𝐨. | 𝐛𝐧𝐡𝐚 / 𝐤𝐧𝐲 𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐭𝐬.Where stories live. Discover now