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Yuzuru Hanyu is a Japanese figure skater who has broken several world records in competitive skating. Before all of this, I just want to say that he is a real person.

Disclaimer: Not based on true events.

"Attention for the passengers of flight 12, heading to Tokyo, Japan. Please board the plane now."

A girl, who wore: a dress underneath her grey winter coat, thick black stockings, and boots, stood up. Her outfit suited her body that seemed so perfect—she looked like a model ready to heat up the runway.

"Safe trip, Y/N. Just follow my reminders, you'll be fine. If you have any question, I'm just a call away. I'll see you next week," a guy, who was a few years older, bided, remaining on his seat.

The girl turned to him, and simply nodded. She pulled the handle of her suitcase. "See you, Yuzu." And with that, Y/N started walking away from the young man.

"Hey! Y/N! That's all?! You cannot do this in Japan! Talk more! Make some friends in the press con!" Yuzuru yelled at the girl who just raised her right hand as a sign of farewell.

Y/N was always like that to anybody upon moving to Seattle from Japan. Back then, she was only 16 when she decided to take her figure skating career into the max level. She did not have any problem with the English language, and got over pretty quick with the culture shock. However, she did not like talking too much. Only Yuzuru, who was two years older, was able to befriend her because they joined a lot of pairs program, and Yuzuru was quite determined to be someone Y/N could rely on since still, being in a foreign country was tough.

Setting things aside, it was already the time Y/N and Yuzuru had been waiting for, the Tokyo Olympics 2020. All of their efforts for the past years were mostly dedicated to this particular tournament.

Y/N handed her ticket to the flight attendant and quickly found a seat beside the window.

After 5 years, she was going back to the city where she grew up, and she did not know if she would like it at all. Moreover, the only person she considered as a close friend that moment could not keep her company.

Unwanted memories came back to her in a flash.


It was pouring hard back then. Y/N was looking for Kuroo, her childhood best friend and her boyfriend for two years. She knew Kuroo probably did not bring an umbrella, so she was desperate to find him. The sixteen year old Y/N was heading to the volleyball gym. She saw Kenma drenched in the rain, walking quickly.

"Kenma! Is Kuroo—" Y/N was cut off when Kenma passed by her without even glancing. She just ignored her classmate, and continued walking. Kuroo's teammates went out of the gym, all being loud.

"Whooooo! Kuroo-senpai! You rock!"

Y/N was already close to approach them, but Yaku suddenly got ahead of her. He did not seem to notice Y/N and just like Kenma, he was also wet from the rain.

Yaku shoved his teammates away from the gym entrance.

Y/N got extremely nervous. "I-is it happening again?" She asked herself.

"F*ck you Kuroo Tetsurou! Goddamn! Die you motherf*cker! Shame on you!" Yaku was heard all over the place. And there, Y/N started weeping. She knew that very second; Kuroo cheated on her for the second time. She dropped her umbrella and fell into her knees.

Kenma stopped walking and looked back. He felt guilty and wanted to run away. He felt so pathetic for not being able to stop Kuroo. He felt so bad, but he could not stand the sight of his other childhood friend being hurt. He ran back to Y/N and pulled her into a hug. Kenma also started crying.

"Y/N, I am so sorry, I am so sorry," Kenma cried.

"It's more painful the fact that y-your teammates t-tolerated it. I considered them as g-good friends," Y/N also cried.

"I'm so sorry." Kenma kissed his chidhood friend's forehead, and hugged her tighter.

Yaku just stepped out of the gym with his side lip, bleeding. The other members of Nekoma had gone inside to check for their captain. Kuroo was just sitting there, his undamaged face being caressed by Alisa.

Yaku's eyes eventually landed on Kenma and Y/N. He pulled the two far away from the gym. Little did they know, they were already in their school's garden. No one was talking; only the sound of the pouring rain and vehicles were heard. Y/N and Kenma had stopped crying.

"Thank you for the past years." Yaku and Kenma lifted their heads upon hearing the voice of the only girl.

"W-what do you mean?" Kenma asked. He was eagerly waiting for Y/N to answer. Yaku became anxious too.

Y/N gave them a weak smile. "You know that there are people who want to scout me."

"So you're going to choose already? Transfer schools?" Yaku queried calmly.

They did not hear Y/N respond right away. Instead, she let out a sigh first. "I'm quitting school and pursue my career at its peak."

Kenma and Yaku were honestly fine with it. They knew Y/N had every piece of talent and endless potential.

"I'll go to Seattle." The guys turned to the girl. "For good," Y/N continued.

Again, no one talked for a while. Kenma did not know what to say, he did not want to let Y/N go. Then, the silence was broken by Yaku. "When did you decide on this?" He just honestly hoped the best for Y/N. He might not had been her childhood friend just like Kenma and Kuroo, but he treasured her as if he was.

Y/N chuckled a bit, and looked up at the sky, noticing it was already clearing. "The person who scouts Yuzuru Hanyu wants to scout me as well. I got the offer two weeks ago and actually wanted to accept it right away." Y/N let out a sigh before she continued. "But of course I considered you guys and more importantly Tetsu, so I had to think about it thoroughly."

"Well, two years ago, I didn't join my family in Florida because of the things I considered. I also did not like the idea of representing a different country in competitive skating."

"Yeah, I remember," Kenma agreed.

"But now, the offer is to train overseas, still for Japan. This is the chance to take a big step towards my dream. I have to realize it or else I will never be able to move on. So to answer your question Mori-chan, I just made my decision."

End of flashback

Y/N sighed. She had already forgotten about her feelings for Kuroo—of course. However, she did not know how she would face the people she used to know. She cut off all her connections with them, and did not hear anything for 5 years.

Y/N took a nap, and after some while, was woken up by the stewardess, saying they were about to land. Time did pass by really fast.

The girl, who was not in her full senses yet, yawned. She looked around to see the other passengers preparing, and so she did too.

When the plane had landed, Y/N stayed still on her seat and just got off when most of the passengers were already gone.

It was winter cold, but Y/N felt a different chill inside. She was stoned for a while, taking in the fact that she was on the land of Japan. And just when she took her first step, she bumped on a person.

"Awch! Watch yer step lady."

"Oh, I'm sorry," Y/N apologized and bowed. When she looked up, the blonde guy was already steps away and had joined two guys: one with a black curly hair, and one with orange.

"Is that Sakusa Kiyoomi?" They were not acquainted, but Y/N got to know him when Nekoma battled Itachiyama once. He was a famous ace, and Y/N found him quite good looking.

Y/N thought she had not been there for even 10 minutes and she was seeing a familiar face already.

It was 6 p.m. in Japan that moment. Y/N decided that she would check in the hotel assigned to Japan's athletes before having dinner. She put on a mask before she finally headed out of the airport.

"I guess it's a welcome back."


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