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an·ger  ('aŋ-gər)


A strong feeling of displeasure or hostility.

v. an·gered, an·ger·ing, an·gers

To make angry; enrage or provoke.

The happy girl's cell phone rang.

Interrupting her happiness.


Interrupting what?

The boy had been asking her simple questions as she nodded and shook her head as answers.

"Madelynn where the fuck are you?!"

The girl looked sad.

Sad and scared.

The boy was puzzled.

"A-a-at t-the p-park." She stumbled.

"Are you aware of the time you brat?!"

Tears started to trickle down her cheeks.

The boy looked at her with wide eyes.

She wouldn't dare meet eyes with him.



"Yes ma'am."

The line went dead.


No respond left the girl.

The boy faced her.


He took her hands.


He pulled her into a hug.

And she cried.

The sink was getting smaller.

And this boy sure loved to pull the plug.

"Shhh, Maddi it's okay. Let's get you home." He cooed.

Elliot picked up the girls body bridal style and held her as if she was a porcelain doll.

After a few quiet minute of walking the girl uttered one word.


He pushed the hair out of her tear stained face.

"Why what?"

"Why are you being so kind?"

She wasn't used to anyone caring.

"You were different the first minute I saw you." He said with a faint smile.

They approached the girls house.

It wasn't a house.

It was similar to a prison.

He put her down on the front steps and rung the doorbell.

"MADELYNN WHY WE- oh hello, who are you?"

"I'm Elliot. A friend of Madelynn's. It was my fault she wasn't home earlier. I'm sorry." He said.

Madelynn was impressed with him.

She was also surprised he called them friends AND covered for her.

Then hell himself walked up.


"Bro, what are you doing with HER?" He said pointing to me.

His mother nodded.

"She needed a friend."

Alex gave Elliot an odd face.

"Whatever man, just stay away from me then."

He left.

Out the front door.

And his mother.

Standing right there, didn't make a commotion.

"May I have a minute with her Mrs. Lacie?"

She looked rather angry but nodded anyway.

"S-sorry about them." The girl said quietly.

The boy just smiled.


"To get something great there will always be obstacles."

He lightly kissed her forehead and whispered," Sweet dreams Leaf."

"Bye Eli."

And he walked down the road.

She watched him until she couldn't see him anymore.

Madelynn brushed her fingers across her forehead where the boy had had his lips.


She hadn't had one of those since...

A tear slipped down her cheek.

A happy tear.

She turned around and opened the door back to prison.

And there they were, as angry as ever.

Mr.& Mrs. Lacie.



AN; Hey bro.

Sorry I haven't updated in forever. ):

School and shit. And yeaaah.


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