Clarvel 3

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Clove: I couldn't stop thinking about him and what he said, "Cute" what does that mean!! Does he like me?! I was so confused. After all the arguing with myself made me tired so I went to be ignoring Catos pleads to come in bed with me. I refused, "No now go to bed!" I sunk down under the covers and like that I was in that moment with Marvel again. Everything replaying in my dream. It was......... Nice

Marvel: Did I just do that?! Did I just tell her I liked her. Gosh dang it Marvel why are you so stupid!!? "Gahhhhh", I moaned and went to bed.

I woke up early that morning showered, ate got ready,and the usual you know? Like that I was off to training.

All the tributes were lined up boys across from girls quickly I spotted Clove.

Clove: Is he looking at me. Oh my gosh he is! Calm down Clove be calm. I watched him wink at me. Then I turned into a little girl again giggling and blushing. I heard a,"Eeehem!" Sorry sorry I put my hands up with a slight laugh. Marvel was laughing too. Then I watched him get closer and closer.

Marvel: Finally I got to Clove. I waved hi Clove. She seemed suprized that I knew her name. I slowly bent down adnd kissed her cheek good morning.

Clove: I got into a fit of laughter oh my god he just kissed me cheek! I liked it who cares I don't need Cato. I've got myself a Marvel

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