Grand Ambition To Rule, Blood Feud, Everything Turn To Dust Part 3

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Xiao Feng saw Murong Fu arriving, the situation now turn to three against two, although Murong Fu is somewhat inferior but he cannot be underestimated, it is very likely they will not be able to kill Murong Bo, both Xiao father and son might even die in this Scripture-Depository Pavilion. However Xiao Feng possess heroic bravery, he never allow his own adverse situation to affect him, he shout loudly: "Today's matter can only be resolved by death. Prepare to receive my move!" with a 'Hu' sound he smack his palm quickly at Murong Bo. Murong Bo brush it away with his left hand, he channelled his internal energy, intending to neutralize the incoming palm force. 'Kala la', a bookshelf on the left-hand side broke and turn into splinters, the scriptures on the shelf came crashing down. Xiao Feng's palm force is vigorous and forceful, although Murong Bo manage to brush it away but he was unable to neutralize it, he merely diverted the attack elsewhere and it hit a bookshelf.

Murong Bo smile faintly and said: "Southern Murong, Northern Qiao Feng! Your reputation is indeed well-deserved! Brother Xiao, i have something to say, will you listen or not?" Xiao YuanShan said: "How can i tolerate your flowery speech, don't even think about asking me not to avenge my wife." Murong Bo said: "You want to kill me for revenge, but base on the current situation i am afraid it will not be possible. We have three person, you only have two, may i ask who have a higher chance of winning?" Xiao YuanShan said: "Naturally you have a higher chance of winning. A true man is unfazed by numbers, why the need to fear?" Murong Bo said: "The illustrious name of Xiao father and son is unrivalled, in your entire life have you ever been afraid of anyone? You have no fear, but it will be extremely difficult to kill me today. I want to do a transaction, i will let you fulfil your desire for revenge, however you father and son have to promise me something."

Xiao YuanShan and Xiao Feng pondered: "I wonder what this old thief is planning?"

Murong Bo said: "You father and son only have to promise me something, afterwards you may step forward to kill me for revenge. I will wait for death with hands tied, definitely won't resist, Jiumozhi and my son will not be allowed to save me." when he finish speaking, Xiao father and son are greatly surprised, Jiumozhi and Murong Fu are extremely shock as well. Murong Fu shouted: "Father, we have strength in numbers....." Jiumozhi also said: "Mr Murong why do you say such a thing? As long as junior monk is breathing, I will never allow anyone to raise a finger at Mr Murong." Murong Bo said: "Great master's righteousness, when i have a friend like you, where is the regret even in death? Brother Xiao, I have a matter to consult you. At that time I spread false information, it led to a huge disaster, but does brother Xiao know my true purpose in committing such evil deeds?"

Xiao YuanShan is boiling with rage, he pointed at Murong Bo and cursed: "You are originally a despicable person, breaking the law and committing crimes, rejoicing in other people's misfortune, what other intention you need to have?" he took 1 step forward, with a 'Hu' sound he launch his fist.

Jiumozhi arrive in a flash with both palms blocking, with a 'Bo' sound, the fist wind and palm force collided and rush upward, dust on the roof rustled down. In this clash of fist and palm, unexpectedly both are equally matched; both of them admire each other secretly.

Murong Bo said: "Brother Xiao please restrain your anger and listen to me. Brother Xiao have always been residing far north, we are total strangers, naturally there is no hatred and animosity. As for Shaolin's abbot XuanCi, I have been friends with him for many years. Since I put in utmost effort to incite disharmony on both side, naturally there is a significant underlying reason."

Xiao YuanShan's eyes seem to be spitting fire, he shouted: "What reason? Say it, say it!"

Murong Bo said: "Brother Xiao, you are a Khitan. Bright Wheel King Jiumozhi is from Tubo. Fighters from Central Plain, they call you barbarians. Your esteemed son was originally chief of Beggar Clan, martial arts and wisdom shaking the present age, truly a rare talent to emerge from Beggar Clan. But when they learn of his Khitan heritage, they immediately turn hostile, not only they refuse to recognize him as chief, moreover everyone have the desire to kill him. Brother Xiao, do you think it is fair?"

Xiao YuanShan said: "The feud between Song and Liao, two countries at war, it already last more than a hundred year. Beyond the border area, Song and Liao people kill each other at sight, this have always been the case. Since Beggar Clan found out my son is a Khitan, how can they worship an enemy? This is common logic, nothing unfair about it." He pause for a while and continued: "Abbot XuanCi, Wang JianTong, etc, they killed my wife and subordinate, it is not their original intention. Nevertheless, this matter can be considered a tussle between Song and Liao, nothing surprising, but you set-up this trap, I cannot let you off easily."

Murong Bo said: "According to brother Xiao, when two countries are at war, they only seek to achieve victory by killing the enemy, do they have to pay particular attention to compassion and integrity?" Xiao YuanShan said: "All is fair in war, this have always been the case. Why are you talking about such irrelevant things?" Murong Bo smile faintly and said: "Brother Xiao, which country you think Murong Bo came from?"

Xiao YuanShan tremble slightly and said: "Your Gusu Murong family, naturally they are Han Chinese from Southern Dynasty, don't tell me you are foreigner?" Abbot XuanCi is extremely knowledgeable, when Murong Bo dissuade Murong Fu from committing suicide, he already deduce his origin base on his speech. Xiao YuanShan is not aware of historic matters, thus he fail to understand the situation.

Murong Bo shake his head and said: "Brother Xiao guess wrongly." He turn his head and said to Murong Fu: "Child, which country we came from?" Murong Fu said: "Murong family is Xianbei, the prestige of Great Yan shaking the area north of the Yellow river, we establish a glorious empire, unfortunately our enemies are ruthless, they topple our nation." Murong Bo said: "I named you with the word 'Fu', what is the meaning?" Murong Fu replied: "Father wants me to always remember the wishes of our ancestor, I have to restore Great Yan, take back our nation." Murong Bo said: "Take out the jade ruler's seal of Yan nation, let old hero Xiao take a look."

Murong Fu said: "Yes!" he untie a cloth bag and extract a black jade square seal. A vivid leopard head is carved on top of the seal, Murong Fu turn over the jade seal, revealing the text. Jiumozhi saw the phrase "Treasure of Emperor of Great Yan" engraved on the seal. Xiao father and son don't understand the text on the seal, nevertheless the jade seal is exquisitely crafted, the corners rather damaged, clearly it is ancient and undergo multiple disaster, although they are unsure of its authenticity but they knew the item is uncommon, definitely not newly crafted object.

Murong Bo said again: "Take out the lineage stave of emperor of Great Yan, let old hero Xiao take a look." Murong Fu replied: "Yes!" he put the jade seal back into the cloth bag and took out a tarpaulin bag, he open it to reveal a yellow fabric, he raise the fabric with both hands.

Xiao YuanShan saw curvy text written with vermillion ink on the yellow fabric, he don't understand, clearly it is foreign script. Chinese text is written on the left-hand side, at the top it is written: "Great Ancestor the Cultured Emperor Huihuang" the next part: "Noble Ancestor the Accomplished Emperor Huijun" the next part: "Lonely Emperor Huiwei". Another line of text written separately: "Generation Ancestor the Successful Martial Emperor Huichui", the next part: "Noble Forefather Compassionate and Suffering Emperor Huimin", the next part: "Duke of Kaifeng Huixiang", "Zhao Emperor Huilin", the next line: "Middle Forefather the Accomplished Martial Emperor Huisheng", "Accomplished Literary Emperor Huixi", etc, posthumous names. As for the year 410, after the execution of Southern Yan Murong Chao, subsequent descendants are all commoner, they are no longer emperor or marquis. The era is long, their offspring gradually increase in numbers, Xiao YuanShan, Xiao Feng, Jiumozhi, three of them are not in the mood to examine it in detail. However they saw the name of the last person on the lineage record: "Murong Fu", above him is "Murong Bo".

Jiumozhi said: "As it turns out Mr Murong is a descendant of Emperor of Great Yan, pardon me, pardon me!"

Murong Bo sigh and said: "The nation vanquished and citizen lost, but the chief is safe, it can be considered a major fortune in the disaster. However the wishes of successive generations of ancestor have always been the restoration of Great Yan, Murong Bo is incompetent, I roam around the world for half a lifetime but in the end I achieve nothing. Brother Xiao, my Xianbei Murong family intend to restore our nation, do you think we deserve it?"

Xiao YuanShan said: "The victor becomes the king, the loser becomes the bandit. Many people vie for supremacy in this world, why do you need to mention about deserving or undeserving?"

Murong Bo said: "Enlightening! Brother Xiao's speech is similar to my intention. If Murong family wants to restore Great Yan, it must take advantage of opportunity. The servants of Murong family are weak, power feeble, how can it be easy to rebuild the nation? The only chance is to cause mass rebellion, endless war and fighting everywhere."

Xiao YuanShan said gloomily: "You spread false news to sow discord, incite a quarrel between Song and Liao, eventually leading to a great war?"

Murong Bo said: "Precisely, if a war between Song and Liao breaks out, Great Yan will be able to take advantage of the situation. In the past, in the rebellion of the eight kings during Jin dynasty, Sima clan massacre one another, the five non-Han clan took advantage to set up their regime. Today's situation is also the same." Jiumozhi nod his head and said: "Correct! If Song dynasty meet with foreign aggressor, civil unrest will break out, not only Mr Murong will have a chance to restore his nation, my Tubo will also get to profit as well."

Xiao YuanShan snorted coldly, he cast a sidelong glance at these two people.

Murong Bo said: "Your esteemed son is the Lord of Liao's Southern Chancellery, he commands the military symbol and oversees Nanjing, if he direct his army southward and occupy the Yellow River and North River, he will achieve a glorious deed, he can proclaim himself king and enjoy boundless riches and honour. At that time it will take little effort to round up all the heroes of Central Plains and annihilate them, the hatred of being ousted by Beggar Clan, won't it be avenged?"

Xiao YuanShan said: "You want my son to work for you, so that you can take advantage of the crisis and fulfil your wild ambition of restoring Yan nation?"

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