1. how you met them

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— you two met in middle school
— you had the same classes as him
— and you remember once having to work with him on a task
— that's how you got to actually know him
— cuz boy talks like a waterfall once you give him the chance
— he didn't really do the task
— he just talked about volleyball as soon as he had the chance to do so
— and you just listened to his ramblings
— teacher's mad cuz the task wasn't done
— oopsies

— once again, you met him in middle school
— or rather you heard of him in middle school
— one of your friends used to play with him in the volleyball team
— he always complained about kags
— the description of him kinda made you lowkey afraid to talk to him
— you had some classes together but he mostly didn't really pay attention to you
— one faithful day he happened to be sick
— and you happened to live closest to him
— so the teacher made you bring him his homework
— that's the first time he actually introduced himself to you
— you were kind confused
— „boy i know who you are, we had classes every thursday and friday for the past two years"
— even more confused kags

— you were just casually passing the karasuno gym on your way home
— when a volleyball came flying out
— and you just so happen to catch it
— he went to get the ball
— and saw you caught it
— he thanked you before taking it and going back inside
— oh yeah and he smiled at you
— this is kinda sucky i'm sorry

— the typical hallway bump
— you dropped your books
— he helped you picking them up
— you both reached for the same book at the same time
— and your hands accidentally met
— and then your eyes met
— all very cliche
— just how we like it
— but back to the story
— he then apologized for bumping into you and said he's going to make it up to you somehow
— sly mf
— that was a smooth way to asking you out
— oh yeah and of course he introduced himself before rushing off to his class
— yeah you both were late for your classes on that day

— you were grocery shopping
— and you couldn't reach the top shelf
— this man saved your day by grabbing whatever the thing was you needed from the top shelf for you
— he was lowkey scared that you'll be afraid of him
— but you weren't
— why would you be
— he literally looks like a sweet giant
— so you thanked him
— boy was he surprised
— stuttered a „no problem"
— sugamama definitely saw the whole thing
— and was mad at asahi for not talking to you properly
— yeah he definitely ships it

— you were saeko's friend
— and you two had a sleepover for the first time at her place
— she was downstairs, getting snacks
— while you were currently getting changed into your pajamas
— and this boy walks in on you
— „oi, sis I-"
— shooketh
— and he thought kiyoko was hot
— but this is a whole new level
— „sorry, should've knocked, SHOULD'VE KNOCKED!"
— loud rambling as he exits
— saeko smacks him for walking in on you when she finds out

— you were friends with yachi
— and she forgot her textbook in class
— so you thought it might be a good idea to bring it to her since you knew she was probably in the school's gym
— you enter the gym
— volleyball immediately almost hits you
— not that good of an idea after all
— your life literally flashed before your eyes
— however it only ALMOST hit you
— cuz a certain shortie saved you by perfectly receiving the ball right before it hit you
— „hey, yachi! you're cute friend is here!"
— didn't even realize he just called you cute

— your parents had known each other for years
— so you two knew each other ever since you were little kids
— you didn't went to the same middle school
— but you always hung out together afterwards
— this is so short im sorry

— library
— you went there to study for an upcoming exam
— and you two reached for the same book at the same time
— your hands almost touched
— absolutely magical cliche moment
— until
— „get your tiny hands off, i reached for it first"
— typical tsukki coming through

— you fell asleep in class
— and didn't hear the school bell
— so she woke you up
— being awaken by a literal goddess omg
— she also told you what you missed in class
— and made sure you understood everything

— you were their new manager
— and of course he introduced himself to you first
— the subtil flirting undertone was ✨immaculate✨
— until iwa threw a volleyball at him
— „stop flirting with her, the rest of us need an introduction as well!"

— first day of school
— he was late
— like late late
— and you were currently on your way back to class
— when he ran around the corner and crashed into you
— boy literally sent you flying
— you could probably pin point the second his soul left his body
— panicc mode
— „oh my god, i'm sorry, i'm sorry, i'm sorry!"
— „hey, are you okay?"
— „why aren't you answering?"
— „oh my god, i killed her!"
— don't worry, you're alive
— just very dizzy
— „did that crash kill me?"
— „am i in heaven?"
— „wait hold on, are you an angel?"

— casually failing chemistry
— until your friend had the great idea that you could ask him to help you since you two were in the same class
— he was kinda surprised when you did
— but he agreed to help you
— you definitely had no idea what you're signing up for

— he accidentally texted you
— didn't even realized it was the wrong number until you replied
— „who are you?"
— internally panicking
— „sorry, wrong number"
— „no, come back!"
— then you send a meme
— and he sends you one back
— oh yeah all of this happened at like 3am
— „you should go to sleep"
— „i can't"
— „why?"
— „i drank three cans of monster and still need to finish this one level"

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