5. first kiss

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— he walked you home after school
— and just when you were about to say goodbye
— „hey...uhm...[y/n]?"
— „yes?"
— „can i...kiss you?"
— really blushy
— of course you said yes
— who wouldn't?
— the kiss was short
— but sweet

— you wanted to annoy him
— so you took his milk
— „hey, give me that back"
— „not until you give me attention"
— so he just kissed you
— like out of nowhere
— you were ✨shooketh✨
— but it worked
— he got his milk back
— this mf really just acted as if nothing happened
— „you can't just do that!"
— „why?"
— genuinely confused

— you had an exam on that day
— and he knew that
— so he got you your favorite drink
— to help you concentrate
— and wrote like a motivational quote on the bottle
— you were just so happy
— because the day wasn't going too well and that just brightened it
— so you just kissed him
— like a short peck peck on the lips
— before running off to your class
— „thanks for the drink!"
— he was speechless for a couple seconds
— „oh...yeah, no problem!"

— he was tired
— long day and stuff
— so he was just resting his head on your shoulder
— drifting in and out of sleep
— lowkey staring at you
— „if you're so tired, why are you staring at me the whole time?"
— „cuz you're pretty"
— you turned your head to him
— and you two kinda just stared at each other for a while
— until he kissed you
— that kiss was so long you thought he fell asleep while kissing you
— he didn't
— he kinda just wanted to enjoy the moment
— he went back to sleeping afterwards tho
— „hey, wake up!"
— „hm?"
— „do it again"

— you were doing his hair
— because he lets you style it however you want to
— he leaned his head back when you were done to look up at you
— and you thought he looked so cute
— so you just kissed him
— asahi.exe stopped working
— blushing like crazy
— „[y/n] why didn't you warn me?"
— probably fell of the chair

— it was before they had a game
— and he was pushing his luck a bit
— „hey [y/n], could i get a kiss for good luck?"
— definitely didn't thought it would work
— but it surprisingly did
— he got a good luck peck on the lips
— shooketh
— „hey, wait! double up the luck!"
— did you double up the luck?
— we may never know
— what we do know is that he got so many high-fives from noya that his hand was sore

— you were messing with him
— saying how it would be difficult for him to properly kiss someone with his height
— boy he ain't playing around with that
— he straight up kissed you after you said that
— if you're taller than him, he probably jumped up to you
— but then point is, he did it
— „i'm not too short for anything and i'm willing to prove that anytime"
— probably sounded more epic in his mind

— it was on accident
— he wanted to kiss your cheek
— but you turned you head
— so your lips met
— surprisingly none of you pulled away immediately
— „so, was this your plan all along?"
— „wait, i thought it was yours"

— literally out of nowhere
— you were occupied studying
— and he was just staring at you from the side
— until you noticed
— „why are you staring at me"
— „am i not allowed to?"
— „it's distracting"
— „stop getting distracted by it"
— kind of escalated into a little argument
— cue the kiss
— you were ✨shooketh✨
— „well, that made you shut up"
— „you can't just do that!"
— „yes i can"
— „that's not how it's supposed to work!"
— „want me to shut you up again?"
— do you want to?

— you were having one of your sleepovers
— and you two were currently watching a romance movie and cuddling
— until a cute kissing scene came on
— which gave you an idea
— „omg we have to recreate that"
— she laughed at first
— then she noticed that you were serious about it
— so she agreed to it
— you recreated the scene but she stopped at the kissing part, looking at you if you were okay with it
— then you gave her a nod
— and then she kissed you like they kissed in the movie you watched

— he insisted on you staying with him after regular volleyball practice was over
— even though he was only practicing his serves
— and there was literally no reason for you to be there other than gathering the balls again
— „toruuu i'm bored"
— then he served his next ball that close to your face it only missed by a few inches
— „are you crazy!?"
— „aw i'm sorry, it was on accident"
— it wasn't
— this mf
— you were so mad for this omg
— the audacity this bitch had
— so you stomped over to him
— ready to slap his pretty face
— up until the point he caught your hand
— „hey [y/n], i'm sorry. i really am"
— „oh yeah? how sorry?"
— „well if you insist on it, this sorry-"
— then he pulled you in and kissed you
— and boy was that a long kiss
— but damn was it a good one

— you went to watch one of his games as you usually do
— and of course they won
— and he was extra hyper for winning this one
— when he saw you after the game was over he hugged you so tight you probably couldn't breathe for a couple seconds
— he was so excited he probably didn't even noticed he lifted you up
— „i knew we would win!"
— „how so?"
— it's a wonder you were able to speak while being squeezed that tightly
— „because you're my lucky charm"
— that's when he put you down
— and kissed you
— full of excitement

— it was raining
— like hella raining
— and you had to walk home from school
— „looks like someone's not gonna have a good time walking home"
— it was kuroo
— with an umbrella
— „fuck you"
— just when you were about to walk into he rain, he stopped you
— „hey [y/n! take it!"
— he held out his umbrella for you
— „what about you though? don't you need one as well?"
— „i won't be needing it for volleyball practice"
— but just as you were about to take the umbrella from him, he grabbed your arm, pulled you in and kissed you
— it was short
— but you were still speechless
— „that was worth losing my umbrella for. see you later, [y/n]"
— and he just left you standing
— because he didn't wanted you to see him blushing
— he had planned that for weeks but didn't thought it would actually work
— had a stupid grin on his face the whole day
— like more stupid than usual
— kenma even asked if we was on drugs or anything

— you were just chilling at his place
— watching him play mario kart online
— and this one player was surprisingly good
— even kenma had his troubles with him
— but in the end our favorite gamer boy won
— he was happy
— and you were happy for him
— „congratulations!"
— and you just kissed him
— surprisingly didn't had any dramatic reaction to that
— just kinda hid his face afterwards
— blushing and stuff
— „t-thanks"
— had a little, barely noticeable, smile for the rest of the day
— which is super rare

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