7. cuddling

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— yes
— just yes
— he loves to cuddle with you
— usually just plops down onto you
— and doesn't get up
— not until he got his cuddles
— but he usually falls asleep during it
— cuz boy's exhausted from volleyball practice

— didn't get the concept of it at first
— so every time you tried to cuddle him he just sat there like a rock and didn't move
— probably even googled how cuddling worked at some point
— you would usually just hug him from the side when he's on his phone or while you two are watching a movie
— and not let go
— until he awkwardly hugs you back
— don't worry, it gets less awkward over time
— at least i hope so

— doesn't happen often
— cuz man's busy
— but he does enjoy some cuddles after a long day of having to deal with his team
— simple cuddles
— usually short
— at least if it was up to him
— but nah
— if he tries to get up you just won't let him go
— sir you are stuck
— not that he would mind

— he loves them
— would literally tackle you if you were occupied with other things at the time
— „just finish it later and cuddle with me now"
— falls asleep on top of you during it
— and you can't escape
— now you're stuck

— he likes them
— but he can't really relax
— boy's too nervous he'll do something wrong
— is there even a wrong way to cuddle?
— idk
— to him there is
— but if you're watching a movie during it he might get a bit distracted and actually relax a little
— all hail the movies
— would totally freak out on the inside if you would fall asleep tho

— surprisingly, he isn't a big cuddle person
— at least not when he's his normal self
— gets a bit more cuddly when he's sleepy tho
— so he would just cuddle you when he's going to sleep
— would cuddle you during the day too if you asked him to
— but they would usually only be short cuddles
— cuz he has so much energy
— so he can't really relax into it during the day

— oh boy
— would definitely tackle you when he wants to cuddle
— and not get up
— you two just laying on the floor
— or rolling around the floor
— until you hit something
— or roll down the stairs
— everything has happened
— luckily nobody was hurt too bad

— literally heaven for him
— just laying down with you on the bed after a long day
— and cuddling with you
— especially likes it when you play with his hair
— just heavenly
— soft blush across his face

— ahahaha
— good luck with that one honey
— you want cuddles?
— well too bad
— you ain't getting them
— at least not when you want them
— but would sometimes just randomly go like:
„oi, major tolerable annoyance. here's that dumb cuddle you wanted a week ago"
— pretends that he doesn't enjoy cuddling
— but he secretly does
— and you secretly know

— a bit shy about it
— especially the first few times
— but she still loved them
— you two would just lay for hours tangled together on her bed
— you two especially cuddle when one of you is feeling a bit down
— cuddles with kiyoko are always soft

— „[y/n]-chan, i'm not feeling too well"
— „what happened?"
— „i don't know but i'm sure some cuddles will make me feel better"
— a huge sucker for cuddles
— also likes to play with your hair
— and occasionally mess it up
— also won't let you go that easily
— „five more minutes"

— well good luck with this one
— because you're occasionally going to get crushed
— he's sometimes a little too excited
— and hugs you a bit too tight
— but that's okay
— we still love him
— you're not getting away any time soon
— because he falls asleep easily during cuddles
— he often doesn't even notice it
— and you're not getting away
— because you can't move him
— and he usually holds you as if his life depends on it

— random
— like so random
— just picks you up and puts you on the couch or the bed
— or if you're already sitting there but you're occupied with something else he would just that that certain thing away
— „that's enough, time for cuddles"
— cuddles usually escalated into a tickle fight
— until you throw a pillow at him
— then it's a pillow fight
— or someone falls off the bed
— it's usually you
— they just can't go right
— but after you're both kind of powered out by your little fight you two would actually legitimately cuddle
— not even really noticing it
— you're both just too exhausted

— likes them sometimes
— like after a match
— but he doesn't like asking for them
— usually just waits for you to initiate them
— and would just go along with it
— he sometimes even stops gaming during cuddles
— only sometimes tho
— on the times when he really needs them
— normally hides his face
— cuz he's lowkey blushing

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 22, 2020 ⏰

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