TWENTY-SIX| .... ..- -.

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"N-No! I-" You stopped as shock continued to sweep through your mind and you attempted to take a step closer to the fragile voiced boy. He was quick to take an untrusting step back. 

His brown orbs flittered about in anxiety between you and Jimin as he continued to allow his posture to straighten. His lower lip was trembling, and you noticed this fact before he tried to calmly face you.

"You used to always leave food for me," He spoke simply with a forced braveness you couldn't believe for a moment. He wore a dirtied hoodie and your gaze immediately moved to his still injured hands. He was quick to hide them from your view and narrowed his eyes your way. "Where can I get it by myself?"

You didn't know what to do. Finally 100 was in front of you, but it was clear to see that one wrong move would lead to him running off again. 

Your mind spun as you tried to look towards Jimin for help, but he met your gaze with a look similar to how you were feeling. 

Alright then. You supposed you'd have to improvise. 

After clearing your throat, you took a deep breath and answered the frightened but tough acting kid. 

"Food? You want food? I can get you some!" 100 continued to blankly stare as you enthusiastically motioned towards the truck. "See right there? That's one of the food trucks. I get the food from there, and usually I leave some for you, but today I-"

"Forgot?" He interrupted, and your forced smile fell as the kid's eyes darkened a bit and he slowly allowed his arms to move from behind his back once more. "Yeah, OK then, I just wanted to know so I could get food on my own from now on." 

Your eyes darted towards his wounds once more and you harshly bit your lower lip as your heart panged at the sight. There was a first aid kit in the truck. 

Somehow, you had to convince him to let you treat his hands.

This task was clearly going to prove to be difficult. The kid's eyes mimicked those of a frightened deer that wanted to run at any given moment regardless of his acting.

"But... um, the only way to get food from the truck on your own is if you order during the day time," you pointed out, "Otherwise the food truck is locked and you can't get in. Only workers like me have the key."

You watched 100's expression crumple as his plans clearly fell through, and fear returned to his structure as he lightly trembled.

Jimin, who had been quiet thus far, suddenly seemed to snap into the conversation.

"We can get you some food right now," he suggested, also clearly looking towards the kid's damaged hands and swallowing hard.

100's eyes widened in fear when Jimin spoke and he was quick to back up further until he was once again hiding behind the lamp post.

"No." He spoke simply. "Just leave it for me under the stands like usual. I don't trust you. You probably want to take me away and lure me in with food."

You had to admit, your actions did scream kidnapping. But the child's fear led you even further into determination as you realized he was scared for good reason... and you wanted to know why so you could help him.

"No!" You quickly piped up while shaking your head abruptly, "We don't want to take you away or hurt you... right, Jimin?"

"Right," He agreed, and you watched as 100's eyes flittered in interest when Jimin spoke. "Why would she leave you food for days without taking you if we were going to do that?"

You suddenly remembered 100 watching Jimin from under the bleachers the first day you had spotted him. This kid was afraid of and untrusting of everyone... but had risked getting caught to watch Jimin perform that night. Clearly he was a fan, and an idea popped in your mind as you brightly smiled towards the boy.

Between Footsteps| p.jmWhere stories live. Discover now