Solution × is × Majority Rules?

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I think that Image I put up was too big XD

but I love 💕 that image

3rd POV

Snoring was heard from a dark green hair boy.

Not deku.

You were waken by the soft snores still dreary and tired but since you usually stay up to read fanfics and used to binge watching anime late at night it didn't entirely bother you all the way

You were more confused about a certain feeling on your right hand though

Why is Gon hand connected with mine?

You let go of his hand although seemingly missed his warm touch and stand up walking pass Gon to stare out a window now noticing your arrival at the third phase

I wonder how this will go down. Since now I'm included. Your thoughts were pushed aside as the PA system tune played on the speaker like you where at a airport

The noises was sudden enough to wake up Gon

"I sincerely apologize for the long wait." Beans spoke on the PA. Gon immediately sprang up to life knocking off his jacket in the process

"Ohayo Gon!" You wave. He gave you a startled smile now noticing your presence
"O-Ohayo Y/N" he responds and runs to the window and jumped on it some how attaching himself on to the side

 He gave you a startled smile now noticing your presence "O-Ohayo Y/N" he responds and runs to the window and jumped on it some how attaching himself on to the side

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You just stood there frozen at his actions
Seriously how does he do that? You deadpan

"The airship will be arriving at its destination shortly." Beans announces again. Gon gasped at the view from the window "is this where th enemy text is gonna be held?" Gon awed


"What is this place?"

"There's nothing here."

Applicants spoke looking around you all arrived on top of Trick Tower only thing you could see from it were the sky and ground way far below

Bean clears his throat gaining everyone attention

"Everyone, this is the site of the Hunter Exam's Third Phase" "You'll be competing here at the top of the Trick Tower" Bean starts explaining the third phase

"Did you say Trick Tower?" An applicant asked "In order to pass this phase, you must reach the base of the tower alive. The time limit is 72 hours." Bean finishes

Another × Universe Killua x Reader x GonWhere stories live. Discover now