𝚌𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 17

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'Dear diary,

Hi, I'm writing in you again.

No, it's not about Flatkawa nor Bokuto's booty cheeks. It's Yamaguchi. I've noticed he stopped being around the other crows. Usually he's always with Tsukki and them, but now he's sitting by the lemon tree outside looking at the sky. Honestly it was kinda heartbreaking ngl-

But I'm worried if something happened to him :(('

Y/N sets her pencil on the table and walks out of her room and downstairs to where the crows were. Each one of the crows where playing in the living room, except for Yamaguchi. He was outside next to the lemon tree again. Y/N sighs and walks outside to Yamaguchi.

"Hey, YamYam." She sat down next to the crow.

Chirp, chirp!

"Why're you out here alone?"


"Well, Tsukishima is inside with Hinata and Kageyama, why don't you go stay with them?"

Yamaguchi shook his head and went back to staring at the sky. Y/N had a visible frown on her face and looked up at the sky with Yamaguchi.

She pointed a cloud and said, "That one looks like a rabbit, don't ya think?"


She pointed at another one, "And that one look like a waffle."

Chirp chirp!

Yamaguchi searches in the sky looking for a cloud that looks like an object.

Chirp, chirp chirp chirp!

"Ah- that really do look like Tsukishima-"

It was a cloud shaped salt shaker.

Y/N and Yamaguchi stayed outside, pointing at random inanimate objects. They found flowers, a bird, a blueberry- speaking of blueberry.

"Yams? Do you want some blueberry muffins?"


With a quick smile from Y/N, she picks him up and they both walks inside toward the kitchen. Y/N grabs her phone and quickly pulls up her blueberry muffin recipe she borrowed from Kiyoko.

"Hmmmm, YamYam go get me an egg then the wash the blueberries in the fridge for me, and I'll do everything else."


While the two were preparing for the blueberry muffins, Keishin along with Tsukishima, Kageyama, and Hinata came walking into the kitchen.

"Oooo, whatcha making?" Keishin moved out of the way for Y/N to pass to the pantry.

"We're making blueberry muffins!"

"Ahh, need help?"

"Hmmm," Y/N took a look back at Yamaguchi who was talking with Tsukishima while cleaning the blueberries, "mmmmm nah."

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