chapter 10

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This chapter is dedicated to BabieShoyo15 and 355idkRandomUsername for voting for the last chapter

// Saiki's POV //

Once i teleported home after droping Kaidou off, i started thinking about how nice it was for the bluette to do that for a first date. I was still wondering what he was doing when my mom came in.

"Oh hi, ku! How was your date?" Yare yare, she is way too observant.

"Good." I replied shortly.

"What did you do?" She asked me, more and more curious.

"We just went to a building and we ate some sweets." I was annoyed by her questioning, but i know that i cant escape it. "Now can you please leave?"

"Did you two kiss?" LEAVE!

When she finnaly left i went and changed into my light blue coffee jelly pijamas. I layed in my bed still thinking about my boyfriend, and how cute he is, falling asleep like that.

// time skip brought to you by Saiki decorating a chirstmas tree with Kaidou //

Where is he? I wodered as i was telleporting everywhere searching for him, his room, school, random places that he thought of..... Then when i went to the abandoned park where we first kissed, i saw him stand there, small, crying and whispering "im sorry, im sorry". The person that was standing next to him was his mother, with an angry and dissapointed look on her face.

Her screaming pearced my ears as she was shouting at him: "I DO NOT NEED A SON LIKE YOU, YOU CAN'T DO ANYTHING! EVER! NOT EVEN DO SOMETHING EASY, LIKE BEING NORMAL!"

I reached over to him, her voice becoming louder and higher, causing me to have a headache.

Then i woke up, my head still hurting. I had just a dream.

Except it will come true, sooner or later.....


Oooooh cliffhanger......

If you have any sugestions or opinions on my writing, the book in general or the characters, feel free to ask away!

Sorry if you feel like im moving too fast, its really late whenever i post so i always feel like things move slower at this hour :P

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