°<° chapter 21

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Oop yall voting

At least chickenn_boi , unknxwn_69 , ScarletSun2 , FugiSedoki and stephoprandi did

// Saiki's POV //

I watched as the bluette sitting in front of me put some hoodies, ripped jeans and a few t-shirts and i started helping him.

"Saiki, where to now?" The smaller male said after we filled his bag with clothes he might need

"My house, and call me kusuo." My tone was as emotionless as always, even though the words that i was speaking where a big step in our relationship.

"O-ok, sa- kusuo."he took my hand and we teleported in my room, me getting a backpack to put my clothes in.

After we were both done i held his hand and i concentrated on what i remember from the videos that he sent us.

We teleprted into a small, black and grey office, with a lot of big screens above a steel table. In front of the table there was a chair. And in the chair, a certain blonde was sitting.


"Oh hello little brother. Took you long enough"


Im sowry that the last chapters have been short, i don't really have motivation TvT

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