huh.... 2 chapters.... 1 day?

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This chapter- ok you know what! Im too lazy to write the rest but its Nikorasu11 and BabieShoyo15

Anyway, onto chapter 18

// Kaidou's POV //

When i woke up i realized that my room was warmer than usual, it was even weirder because my mom told me the AC wouldn't work this week. Then i realized that Saiki stayed over tonight and he probably used one of his powers to make the room warmer.

I opened my sleepy eyes to look at my boyfriend's face. He was so absorbed in his own thoughts that he didn't even notice that i woke up. The pink haired boy was hugging me with one of his hands and he had his other one through my fluffy spikes.

"Saiki..." i whispered in a morning voice. Not cute at all. When i saw that he wasn't answering i tapped his shoulder lightly and repeated his name a little louder.

"Oh, good morning Kaidou, i didn't realize that you woke up." He replied in a raspier voice. His voice was always like that, he almost never talked outloud. His voice somehow made him even hotter, even though it was almost impossible. (Is raspier even a word?)

"What were you thinking about?" I asked genuinly curious, he never acted like this.

"You know how whenever i wake up with a headache my dream will come true?" After i nodded he continued. "Well i had a very weird one... it was mostly like... some things already happened... and i don't know why, this never happened before! It's so confusing!"

I took a second to think then i started talking.

"You know, people change. I used to hide myself under a idealized version of what i wanted to become, even though i was a coward. And here i am now, not even wearing the bandages that hid my "powers". You might have changed too, everybody does." After a second he pulled me into a hug.

"I love you so much!" He whispered making me blush for the 275632 time since we started dating.

"I love you too." I said with a confidence i never thought i had.

/\/\/ aah fuck it


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