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Ding dong then I heard mom open the door and welcome Meloney and her baby sister in. Their dad put their bags on the floor and asked if we had a crib, which we didn't so he ran and grabbed Megan's crib, Megan is Meloney's baby sister. Their dad put the crib in the house, gave Meloney and Megan a big hug, said goodbye, and left. I went downstairs to go say hi and Meloney just stared at me with tears down her cheek. I gave her a big hug and we went upstairs. I asked her what she wanted to do but she didn't answer me. After a few minutes she asked me a question... "Um...Baily.." "Yeah..." I replied " What was it like when your mom was in the hospital???" she asked "Well.. um I was very scared because I had no idea what was going on... and.. um.. I was very sad too but I figured out that everything was going to be alright..." I told her "Do you think my mom will be alright???" she questioned "Yeah totally.. your mom is a very strong yeah she will be alright..." I stated. There was no reply. Then she said she was hungry so we went down to the kitchen where my mom was. "Mom um we are hungry..." I said "Okay what do you want to eat?" she asked "Where is Megan?" Meloney asked "She's sleeping...she fell asleep when I was reading to her so I layed her in her crib." mom answered "Oh you have any fruit snacks and juice?" Meloney asked "Yeah.. Baily can you go get that for her please and thank you." mom said "Okay, Meloney you can go sit at the table if you want..." I said " Okay..." she answered. I got out the juice and fruit snacks and brought them to the table. Then Meloney and I decided what we wanted to do next. We decided to play a board game and then wach our favorite game show. After our show it was time for dinner. We had taco's.Then we went to bed.

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