The Girl Who Lived (1)

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Madison heard her father knock on the door, considering it was a Sunday and it was rather early, she wondered what he wanted.

"Come in" the young girl said in a raspy, drowsy tone.

The tall man with light brown hair came in with a piece of parchment in the shape of an envelope with a red wax seal closing it.
The girl wondered what could be inside when she saw her name printed on the back of the letter.

"Scooch" her father said, telling the girl to make room for him to sit. The snowy sheets rustled and the girls dad, Angelo Silver opened the tea colored letter.

"This is your acceptance letter to a very special school, called... Hogwarts."

The girl held back a laugh from hearing the silly name of the school.

"It may sound laughable, but, your.. mother and I went to Hogwarts as well, and I suppose, it's a school for magic." His expression grew sadder at the mention of Alice.

In disbelief, the girl made a confused face and scrunched her eyebrows, slanting her eyes.
"What do you mean, magic." Madison questioned.

"I mean, you're a witch, darling" Her father retorted.

Madison scoffed, and a look of confusion washed over her face. But,  a rush of calm, relief and a sense of belonging crawled  up her spine.

"My dear, you can do magic, I know you have been able to do things you can't explain."

Her father was right, she had been able to do unexplainable things.


"Is talking to... snakes, normal for a... witch?" Her voice was hesitant at the mention of her being anything less than ordinary, let alone a witch.

A shocked expression plastered on Angelos face.
"Um.. I suppose" attempting to change the topic, Madison's father explained more about Hogwarts and all things magical.

"Ok, you wait here and get ready, Hagrid will be here soon to pick you up. I'm not sure but he may have a... guest with him. I've got your trunk ready."

"Who's Hagrid?"

"You'll see."

After All This Time// A Harry Potter FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now