Keeper of the Keys (1)

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The young girl put on a long purple dress with tiny flowers on it, paired with an olive green cardigan on top. Her clothes were wrinkled of course, because her dads oblivion to the existence of an iron. She waited on her windowsill, reading her favorite book that she snuck from her fathers office when he was on a business trip many years ago. She opened the book, titled "Tales of Beedle and Bard".

The parchment the book was comprised of was yellow and tattered, the inked on words faded. Her eyes scanned the majestic calligraphy and the expert illustrations that always seemed to catch her eye, until a loud bang from her window interrupted her.

She looked out the window to see a rather large bearded man in a motorcycle with a boy her age in the sidecar. The girl jumped in shock, until she realized this is probably Hagrid and his "guest".
As the knocking on her window continued, she hesitantly pushed it open, still unsure if magic was even real.
"Why Hello youngin'" Hagrid bellowed
"I hant seen ye since yer were a wee girl"

"You must be Hagrid, am I right?" The girl spoke in a quiet voice.

"Correct! And oer here is the boy wizard, Harry, you must know all about him."

"I'm sorry, I've never heard of him..." the girl said with a shake in her voice, because, even though he seemed rather inviting, she was scared what would happen if she angered an eight foot man who could do magic.

Taken aback, Hagrid widened his eyes. "Yer tellin' me Madison Silver herself don't know who Harry Potter is?!? Don't you know where ye got that there scar from eh? You don't think it just appeared outta no where?"

"I mean, my dad told me it's just from the incident that killed my mother and her friends when I was a baby. A car crash or something of the sort."

"CAR CRASH!" Roared Hagrid "How could a car crash kill Alice Silver an' Lily and James Potter? It's an outrage! A scandal! I will need to have a talk with yer father some time soon." Frustration ran through Hagrid veins as he spoke.

"So then, what did... happen, to my mom." The girl questioned, hoping to get the answers she's been waiting for her entire life.

Hagrid looked toward the floor and nodded his head, before he could say something generic like 'it's not my place to tell you', Harry interjected.

"Well, I don't know how it happened yet, but Hagrid told me the thing with your mom happened with my mom and dad, and it's also how we got our scars." The boy wizard answered, finally breaking his silence. Madison noticed that his forehead had a scar that perfectly matched the one on her cheekbone.

"It's not my place to tell you two what happened, but I'm sure you'll find out soon." Hagrid added on. There it was.
"How?" The children said simultaneously.
"Well because yer both, famous, of course."

The kids were shocked by this. What made them famous? Was it their parents? What was going on?
But, before they could question him Hagrid said "Okay, Harry move over, make room, we're off to get your school supplies at Diagon Alley"

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