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Just as I was grabbing the camera, I felt someone's presence behind me. At first I figured it'd be Lorenzo begging for me to forgive him but it was Alex.

"And what are you doing in here?" He asked, grabbing my wrist sharply. Shit.

"I was just grabbing some of my stuff," I gulped, trying to release my arm from his grip but it was no use.

"I don't believe you. Is Lorenzo here? Are you fucking him again behind my back?" He questioned, leaning in which scared me horribly.

"No! I just cane back for some of my stuff."

"You're lying to me Roxanne! You've been a bad girl and bad girls don't get to rome the halls freely," he said, grabbing something out if his pocket which clinked together a lot.

He pulled out some chains and started walking towards me with them. I tried backing up but i just hit the chest of drawers behind me. Swiftly, he grabbed one of my wrists and bends it down so that it's level to the radiator. I tried to calm him down but he just didn't listen and he tied me to the radiator.

"You're gonna stay here until your little boyfriend gets back and that shouldn't be for another 4 hours, so enjoy!" He cackled, slamming the door behind him.

Great, just brilliant. I'm tied to a ducking radiator for the next 4 hours until Lorenzo if all people come back for his books. My wand isn't even on me to help get out. Guess i have to just stay here.


After breakfast I didn't see Roxanne all day which I thought was odd. She's in all of my classes today and she didn't show up to any of them but Alex did. I wanted to ask him where she was but I know he'd never tell me or anyone for that matter. I needed to nip back to my dorm to grab my potions book so I'd have a look around the Slytherin hallway for her. Just as I pushed our dorm door open, I heard rattling as though it was from a chain.

At first I wasn't going to walk in as I thought someone may have been 'doing the dirty' if you know what I mean. Suddenly, I heard someone yell for a help. A girl. I shoved the door to see not just a girl but Roxanne. Roxanne tied to a radiator.

"A little help would be nice," she spat, trying to yank her arm off the chain.

"Oh uh yeah," I stumbled, dropping my bag down to the floor. With a flick of the wand, she was free and she instantly got up and grabbed her bag. She started to make her way to the door but I stopped her.

"Why the hell were you tied to a radiator!" I exclaimed, locking the door.

"Alex caught me here and thought I was fucking you again so he tied me down," she sighed. I noticed chain marks on her arm. He clearly put those on tight.

"What, for how long!"

"4 hours I think it's been," she said as though this is normal. I don't care if she's mad at me, she can't go back to him.

"Roxanne if your thinking of going back to him-"

"Yeah I am thanks. He was just being protective, it's fine Lorenzo," she said, the light in her eyes no longer there. How much I've hurt this girl pains me.

"Roxanne the guy is the devil and you expect to go back to him! I don't care how mad you are at me, think of Steph!" I raised my voice.

"No Lorenzo, you're the devil! You're the one who's made me go back to Alex. If you didn't kiss Emma then I wouldn't have to go back to him, so don't you dare tell me what to do before you take a long look in the mirror," she yelled back, unlocking the door and storming out of it.

There isn't even a point of chasing after her as she's never listen to me. Emma has tried to talk to me multiple times but this time I got a tad too angry at her. Ever time she's try and talk to me I'd walk off, but something clicked this time and I snapped.

"Lorenzo, can we talk?" She asked, approaching me in the hallway.

"No Emma, piss off," I demanded, brushing my shoulder past hers as I walked off.

"Lorenzo don't be a dick!" She yelled after me. At this point I couldn't bae to hear her voice any longer.

"A dick? Are you kidding!" I started, turning back to face her. "You ruined my relationship Emma! I love Roxanne so much and thanks to you she hates me now and has gone back to Alex. Listen, I saw you talking to Pansy earlier that day, it was so obvious that you asked her to dare me to kiss you. You know I didn't even want to play fucking truth or dare, I wanted to go find Roxanne but you dragged me there!"

I stormed off knowing that I finally spoke my truth.

The night of truth or dare:

"Lorenzo don't be so boring!" Emma exclaimed, grabbing my by the wrist playfully.

"Emma I don't wanna play truth or dare, I just want to go find Roxanne," I said, trying to wriggle away.

"C'mon Lorenzo, just one round? Please," she begged, pushing open the door and forcing me down into the floor.

"Well it looks like I have no choice," I gritted through my teeth.

Emma sat down beside me and shot Pansy a weird look. I knew something was off, but who am I to say anything?

"Okay Lorenzo, I dare you to kiss Emma," Pansy instructed, laughing to herself. Emma laughed and leaned in. She also glanced at the door which was weird.

"Emma no, you know I have a girlfriend." Guess Roxanne didn't hear that part.

"C'mon no-ones gonna say anything, plus it's a dare!"

"Fine," I sighed, but as she leaned into my lips I just pecked her on the cheek. But the thing she did next confused me. She kind of groaned if that's the right word.

Everything however fell into place when I heard a glass smash against the floor. I opened it to see Roxanne running off. They knew she was looking for me didn't they? They purposefully made it look like we made out so Roxanne would think I cheated again. Shit.

I started running after her when she ran into Thomas, but she didn't stop. I stopped her before she got any further though.

"Roxanne please!" I begged.

"Please what Lorenzo! I gave you another fucking chance and what do you do? You go snog your ex when I've told you how insecure I feel around her," she yelled, the whole party listening into our argument at this point.

"It was a dare Roxanne it didn't mean anything! You know how much I love you," I yelled back, "please let's not fight again." I was going to say how I kissed her on the cheek but she already starting to yell.

"If you loved me you wouldn't go sticking your tongue down other girls throat you asshole!" she yelled, shoving my chest so that i was away from her now.

"I've just got you back, please just listen to me!"

"No Lorenzo! You had one more chance to prove to me how much you love me and you fucked that up too just, just leave me alone,"  she begged, tears starting to flood out. She reached for the door this time but Steph got in the way.

"What's going on with you two! The whole party can hear you!" she exclaimed, holding the door knob to stop me storming out.

"I need a drink," She sighed through cries, walking over to the bar.

I tried to follow her so that I could talk to her, but she stopped me before I could walk any further.

"Follow me and I swear down I will break your nose."

You don't have to tell me twice...

Don't you love me?- Lorenzo Berkshire fanficWhere stories live. Discover now