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"Kick... up... reach!" Xavier yelled to the class. " Yes." He said walking from the stage to around the room. I heard grunting and moaning around the room. " Down." Xavier continued. " Left, Left, Right it's hard but it's worth it." He said.
I rarely participate in these things. I only come to see that ass and of course my friends. I don't like to waist my time on silly workouts when I need to be focusing on my career. See I'm a serious fashion designer... well I'm trying to be. I inspire to be like Bowie except for the singing part.

" Hi, I'm not lesbian just friendly." Montana said to the brunette. " Rad body though." She said looking at the brunettes ass. I rolled my eyes. " Give the new girl some privacy." I told Montana. " What did I do. Also why are you taking a shower you didn't do anything." Montana asked me. "I worked up a sweat." I said smirking at Montana. " How?" Montana asked. " Xavier." I said smiling.

" I noticed you ogling my buddy Chet's mound. You want me to introduce you to him?" Montana continued to make convo with the brunette. " I don't know what your talking about." The brunette said. " She speaks." I laughed out receiving looks from the two. " It's nothing to be ashamed of. The whole reason most people come to slimercise class is to hook up." Montana said. " Not for me." The brunette said turning of the shower and wrapping a towel around herself. " The last American virgin." Montana whispered as the brunette walked away.

" Everyone tells me I can be a little over the top with new people." Montana said while leaning up against the lockers. " A little." I said. " It's just that it's LA, you can't make friends unless you get a little aggressive, right?" Montana said ignoring my comment. " Totally." The brunette said smiling awkwardly. " I'm Brooke, I'm new in town." The brunette introduced herself. " Well, I'm obsessed with this place. I've been doing aerobics since '82. Ever since I read those articles about it in Rolling Stone. Did you know they have competitive aerobics championships?" Montana said. " Sounds... serious." Brooke chuckled. " I know it may sound silly to you but I'm going to be the greatest aerobics competitor of all time. I'm Montana, by the way." Montana said offering her hand to shake. " I'm Alanis." I added. The two looked at me and laughed. " What." I asked

" She was stabbed like, 40 times." Xavier was telling Ray. " Her throat was cut so badly she was basically decapitated." He continued. Montana went up to him and wrapped her arm around his neck. " Describing your last date." Montana said causing the others to laugh. " Hilarious." Xavier said to Montana. " No. There was a murder a couple of days ago in Glassell Park." Xavier said. Gaining Brooke's attention. " My cousin works for LAPD homicide, and there convinced whoever did it is responsible for a bunch of other unsolved murders in town. Cops are calling him the Night Stalker." Xavier said. " Xavier, enough with you serial killer bull shit." I said to Xavier. " When your sorry ass gets attacked I'm not coming to save you." Xavier said to me. " I heard serial killers become more active in the summer months when it's hot." Brooke said causing everyone to look at her. " Because people sleep with their windows open at night." Brooke sad. " Hmm. This is Brooke, she's new in town." Montana said to the group. " Brooke this is Xavier, Ray, and Chet." Montana said. " Hey." Brooke said awkwardly. Chet came around the bar and went up to Brooke. " Hey." He said said offering his hand. " Hey, how do you guys all know each other?" Brooke asked. " Well it's LA. Do any of us really know each other." Xavier spoke up. " We collected each other over the last couple of years." Ray said " Xavier and Montana met in a traffic jam and dated for a hot second." Ray said. " Now Alanis and Xavier are fuck buddies." He continued. " Met in traffic. It's a nice way of saying that I missed an audition for one of the last episodes of MASH because she rear ended me." Xavier said walking away towards the couches. " Your welcome." Montana said. " Your a actor." Brooke asked. " Yeah, not one of those happy to get a role on a soap opera or a Coca-Cola commercial types. I'm a serious actor." Xavier said. Montana laughed. " I trained at Stella Adler. I'm method." Xavier finished. " Cool." Brooke said. " I'm going to be the next David Bowie." I said. " So you sing." Brooke asked me. I laughed. " Oh no I'm into fashion but I inspire to be like Bowie." I said. " Nice." Brooke said. " You want me to make you something. I make Xavier things all the time." I said earning a wink from Xavier. " I'm good." Brooke said. " Chet and I met at the gym." Ray said while him and Chet fist bumped. " Yeah, and I think I met Montana at a party up in the hills at Justine Bateman's house." Ray said. " You know her." Brooke asked excitedly. " Not really ." Montana said. " Anyway... my cousin was saying that they think that this guy's gonna go on a rampage, like son of sam did in the summer of '78. Which is why me and Alanis are getting out of town for the next couple months. We got gigs as counselors at a summer camp. They're opening up a couple of hours from here." Xavier said. " You should all come. I mean, they're really desperate for counselors." Xavier said packing up to leave. " Hey I'm in. When do we leave?" Ray did getting up from the couch. " Tomorrow after class." Xavier said. " Why can't we leave tonight." Ray asked. " Slow down. What's with you. You've been jumpy all week." Xavier asked. " Maybe he's hiding something." I said. " No, I'm just ready to get out before the Olympic shitshow starts. Okay? Los Angels is about to descend into chaos. Alright, gridlock on the freeways and I'm thinking of poor Chet, having to be here getting his face rubbed in it." Ray protested. " Fuck the IOC." Chet said getting up. " Yes! Yes." Ray said clapping. " I'm in." Chet said shaking Xavier hand. " Do you think they'd let me teach aerobics up there?" Montana asked. " Can't see why not." Xavier said shrugging his shoulders. " I'm in." Montana said. " You should come. I'm desperate for some estrogen in this crew." Montana said to Brooke. " Hey." I said. " Don't listen to her." Xavier whispered in my ear. " Oh sounds fun but I'm taking classes at Santa Monica College. I'm going to be a veterinary assistant." Brooke said. " Wow. Aiming high." Montana said. " Knock it off Montana." Chet said leaving the room. " Yeah." Brooke said blushing. " I'm in the medical field too." Ray said walking up to us. " Medical field." Montana asked. " You're an orderly, you mop up poop." Montana said getting up from the chair. " We're all putting our lives on hold for this, but I'm telling you it's gonna be worth it. You don't want to be in this town this summer. It could cost you your life." Xavier said. I grabbed his arm and dragged him out of the room before he said anymore weird shit to Brooke.

Queen Bitch- Xavier Plympton ahs 1984Where stories live. Discover now