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3rd person POV 

Hinata woke up this morning fuly prepared for today, he got ready for the day and started heading outside to ride his bike to morning practice. It toke him a while to get to school like it always does, when he finally got there he saw Kageyama about to walk into the gym Hinata felt his heart starting to race at just the sight of Kageyama. Hinata parked his bike and started to head to the gym, when he walked into the gym Kageyama was the only one there setting up the net. Hinata started to get nervous because he was alone with Kageyama, he started liking Kageyama ever sense the first training camp in Tokyo. The only other person that knows Hinata likes Kageyama Is Kenma, Hinata likes to tell Kenma stuff because he knows Kenma won't tell anyone and because  Kenma also has a crush on his best friend Kuroo. Hinata stared at Kageyama for a second until Kageyama yelled at him "GET YOUR ASS IN HERE AND HELP ME DUMBASS" Hinata started to blush with embarrassment after being caught starring at Kageyama. 

Hinata walked into the gym and started helping him set up, Suga and Daichi were the next people to show up in the gym and slowly the others showed up. They all started to practice and do what they normally do during morning practice Hinata and Kageyama practiced there quick attack as usual, it was almost time for school to start so everyone started to take stuff down and put it all back before they had to leave. 


Hinata'a POV 

I was now in class sitting next to the window and looking out it, all I could think about was Kageyama and if he liked me or not I wondered if I should tell him or not. I wanted to tell Kageyama that I like him but I'm afraid he will reject me, I wanted so badly for me and Kageyama to be more then friends I wondered what it would be like. The bell rang and it was time for lunch so l ran to Kageyama's class with my lunch hoping maybe we could practice some more, and I might even build up the courage to tell him I like him. I got to his class and peeked my head through the door to see if I could see him anywhere, I finally spotted him but I saw him with a girl he looked so happy he was smiling and blushing to. I felt my heart sink at the sight of Kageyama and that girl, I didn't even say anything I just turned around and headed to the bathroom. When I got to the bathroom I looked at myself in the mirror and wondered, 'does he like her' 'are they dating' 'could I ever make him that happy' 'am  I even good enough.' 

I splashed my face with water and told myself that it wasn't true and I didn't know if Kageyama was dating her or not so we still have a chance, I went back to Kageyama's class and walked up to say hi and the girl and asked "hey Kageyama are you gonna come practice with me". Kageyama just looked and me and told me "no boke can't you see i'm doing something", I looked at the girl and she just smiled and waved at me almost as if she was telling me to leave. I could feel shivers down my spine almost about to cry, I left again without saying anything I felt so stupid for wanting to cry. I went back to my class and set my head down on my desk I didn't eat any off my lunch, class was starting soon anyway so I will just wait until I get home to eat. 


Hinata's POV 

I was heading to practice and I honestly didn't want to go I didn't want to see Kageyama right now but I love volleyball and it makes me happy so if I play I will be happy again, or so I thought. When I got to the gym I saw everyone in a circle and it looked like they were all waiting for me, I walked over there and when I did it felt like I was being pushed to the ground all I could see was Kageyama and the girl. Kageyama's hand was around her waist and said "hey guys I would like to say this is my new girlfriend Nonami." Kageyama told the whole team that she was his new girlfriend "she going to be a manager for our team to" Kageyama said, after I heard that I wanted to run out but if I did I know everyone would be confused so I just stood there and looked at the ground. 

Everyone started congratulating Kageyama and Nonami as I stood there wanting to cry, I hurt so bad to know that Kageyama didn't like me back. Kageyama looked and me then started walking over with Nonami, I just looked at him and fake smiled telling them I was happy for them 'I wish I was her' I thought to myself as Kageyama hugged her before she went to sit down and watch practice. We started to practice and I wasn't my cheery self and I could tell everyone was starting to worry, Yamaguchi came up to me and asked if I was ok and the only thing I said was i'm fine i'm just not feeling good. It was almost the end of practice and coach said we could pass back and forth for a little bit, I looked at Kageyama because we would usually pass the ball with each other. Kageyama looked at me and saw that I looked and him but he started walking towards Nonami, he started to pass the ball with her and I could feel my heart slowly braking. I was all alone everyone was already parred with someone Suga with Daichi, Yamaguchi with Tsuki, Tanaka with Enoshita, Ashai with Noya, Kageyama with Nonami and Kinoshita was with Narita. I was all by myself again just like I was in middle school, I wanted to run out and cry everything I wanted was slowly being taken away from me. I just sat against the wall and put my head on my knees 'everything me and Kageyama used to do together they are doing together now' I thought to myself, I bet they're going to walk home together to. I was starting to get supper jealous but I was sad at the same time, I didn't want to feel this way I wanted to be myself again "I just want Kageyama" I said out loud on accident not like anyone heard me I was alone. 

Yamaguchi was right there thought he heard me say it and he yelled out "WHAAAAAAAT" and everyone looked at us, I looked up tears running down my cheeks everyone must have seen me crying because they all started to run towards me. I jumped up and grabbed Yamaguchi's hand and ran out of the gym, I pulled him all the way to the clubroom "please Yamaguchi don't tell anyone I said that please" I said to Yamaguchi as tears were still running down my face. Yamaguchi looked at me and frowned "I won't I promise but Hinata are you ok" Yamaguchi said to me, I just looked at him and started to cry I put my hands over my face as Yamaguchi hugged me. "I think you should go home for the day Hinata we'll do all the cleaning tonight just go home and get rest" Yamaguchi said to me with a smile "thanks Yamaguchi your the best" I said wiping my tears away and smiling. Yamaguchi started heading back to the gym and I started walking home, I tried not to think about Kageyama and how happy he was with Nonami I looked up and the sky it was so pretty all the stars It was really cold though sense it was the beginning of November "I wonder when its going to snow" I say out loud as I continued walking home. 



Like I said this is my first book i'm publishing for all to see so i'm really nervous so sorry if its bad. This is only the first chapter and there will be many more to come, i'm going to try to post as many chapters as possible but with school and all I might only be able to post 2 or 3 times a week I'm sorry. 

That is if you actually like the book :) i'm not going to put an authors note at the end of every chapter because come on who actually reads those but anyway I hope you like the chapter.

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