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"Are you sure you want me to come? It seems like this is a little personal." Shelbi says with concern. She didn't want to get in the way. The twins haven't seen each other in ten years, they might need time to talk things out.

"Yes! I do! Besides you grew up with us practically, he talks about you sometimes." Alyson replies, it was the truth, Tyler did talk about Shelbi, maybe too much in her opinion. Honestly, Alyson always knew growing up that Tyler had a crush on Shelbi and now eventually if they get together it would definitely be better for Shelbi. Alyson hates Shelbi's current boyfriend. An abusive piece of shit.

"Okay..." Shelbi mumbles, going quiet after that. Watching the huge trees and snow pass her by. Not long after that, the car turns into the Fireweed entrance.

"I'll wait in-" "No, you are coming with!" Alyson cuts Shelbi off. Turning off the car, Alyson gets out of the car first, Shelbi slowly following her lead. She gets out just in time to see the twins hug. A smile appears on Shelbi's face. They both have been waiting for this, she was just glad it didn't end in a disaster.

"Shelbi!" Before she can say hello Tyler already has his arms around her, lifting her body into a hug. He was as tall as Alyson, and Shelbi was short compared to the twins. Spinning the girl around. Shelbi squeals before bursting out in giggles.

"Your still short." Tyler comments placing her down on her feet.

"What! No! You both are just freakishly tall." Shelbi grumbles, knowing it was a lie. Tyler and Alyson are of average height, 5'7. She was the one that was freakishly small, just barely 5'0.

"Keep telling yourself that." Alyson jokes.

"You have anything else you need to get?" Alyson turns to Tyler in questioning. "Nope. This is it. My last ten years in a bag." Tyler holds up the bag for all to see. Alyson grabs the bag from him

"Then we should get going. We just have time to make the morning ferry." Alyson says, walking to her car, the two others following.

"You look good in that." Shelbi points out, looking at his jacket with a bird on it.

"Thanks. One of my mentees designed it." Tyler replies. "It's really good." Shelbi's hand reaches out to touch the bird on his back. Tracing the lines of the bird.

"Yeah, he's so incredibly talented. I got a couple of local coffee shops to hang his art." Tyler comments, smiling wide at Shelbi, she quickly returns the smile with her own. Tyler's heart skips a beat. It hasn't changed. Her smile hasn't changed.

"Tyler Ronan, shaping the leaders of tomorrow." Alyson teases. "Yup! We're screwed."

"So, you going to miss anything about this place?" Alyson asks, opening the door to the driver's seat, tossing Tyler's bag in the back.

"Honestly? The people. The other residents, my mentees, my counselor - Aaron. Took me a while to fit in, but once I did, it felt like home. They made me feel safe. Safe enough to... be me."  Shelbi smiles at the content of Tyler's voice.

"That's so great. I'm really happy for you." Alyson announces. " Me too!" Shelbi says after Alyson. Tyler stared at the car "We planning to drive to Delos Crossing, or push?" He jokes.

"You are welcome to walk." Alyson grins.

"Nah, I'll take my chances." Tyler laughs.

"Do you need one last look?" Tyler stares at Alyson, catching the eyes of Shelbi. Quickly looking at the building.

"Looked, Let's go." The three get in the car, Shelbi takes the back seat, letting Tyler get the front seat. Shelbi tones out the conversation upfront, texting her boyfriend Cole. He's upset, angry to be more specific and when Cole is angry he's terrible to be around. Honestly, sometimes Cole scares Shelbi. He can get a little rough, pushing her and gripping her wrist a little too tight. Alyson didn't like Cole, she very admitted about it. Shelbi didn't take notice that they are already on the ferry too concerned about texting Cole reassuring words. She can only hope he wasn't too upset.

"Is it Cole?" Alyson questions, finally taking notice that the other girl was quickly texting away.

"-um yeah.." Shelbi hesitates to answer.

"Who's Cole?" Tyler questions. "He's Shelbi's boyfriend, an abusive asshole."

"Alyson!" Shelbi shouts.

"What?! It's true!" Alyson shouts back. Shelbi grumbles, unhooking her seatbelt, getting out of the car. The fresh air of the lake hits Shelbi, ignoring the look of the older man by the stairs.  She stands near the railing, turning off her phone. She would pay for whatever Cole wants to do to her later. Right now she's upset, Alyson had no right. Staring at the mountains and sky to try to calm herself down.

"Hey, Shelbi." Tyler smiles taking a stand near her.

"Listen, if this Cole guy is abusive to you I can deal with him for you. I was your protector back in the day." Shelbi can tell that despite the joking matter behind the joke he was extremely serious. When they were children Tyler or Ollie as he was called back then was somewhat protective of Shelbi. Holding her hand everywhere and being the first to explore a new place instead of her.

"I'll let you know."

"So did you accept the ring?"

"You knew about that?" Tyler groans. "Of course I do! Alyson tells me everything! Besides I also got a ring." Shelbi holds up her hand, showing the ring to Tyler. Unknowing to her that the bruise that Cole left on her wrist was visible.

"What's that?" Tyler gently grips Shelbi's hand in his, pushing her sweatshirt sleeve up a little bit to see the obvious bruise shaped like a handprint. Gently tracing the bruise. "Was it Cole?" Shelbi winces, "I-I fell." She tries to lies.

"Shelbi, Please just tell me the truth."

"He was just a little rough, it's fine." Shelbi trembles."No, it's not fine..he's abusing you." Shelbi winces at that word.

"Guys! Let's go!"

"We will talk about this later." Tyler says, letting go of Shelbi's arm. The pair silently walk to the car. Their journey was just beginning.

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